Dear Ivan,
I agree with you that it is not my place to comment on your personal choices in your life. I am not a GUE expert by any means but I would like to offer the following thoughts. The concept of the "team" as introduced in GUE-F is a very interesting concept and one that anyone with military training of any kind will recognize. If I understand it correctly, the resources you or your teammates bring to the dive are shared team resources that are to be used in safely and enjoyably conducting your dive. It is very similar to the "buddy system" advocated by other agencies, but carried a lot further. You have three times the resources you may need to solve a problem or deal with an emergency encountered at depth. This goes further than just the equipment you may carry, (ie: the gas in your tanks, the long hose I am breathing., etc.) and includes the three brains you are carrying. My Fundies instructor brought up an interesting point when he said that when one team member has a problem and another team member is helping him (eg: donating gas or whatever) you still have one extra brain to monitor the environment etc. Now, if one accepts the notion that team resources include the members themselves, and not just the equipment they are carrying, the physical and mental abilities of the members becomes just as important as the state of the equipment the members are carrying. In other words, you wouldn't dive with a team member who had a malfunctioning back up regulator or some other piece of kit, so the same applys to the team members. We don't have the time here to get into the impacts smoking can have on divers but you might want to read "The impacts of Smoking on Diving" by Art Ranz, DDS, for a pretty good overview. In essence, smoking has serious short term and long term impacts on your diving. Again, not for me to comment on your personal life choices here, however, if your personal life choice means you will be less able to help me in an emergency at depth, I will have to factor that in to whether I want to dive with you or not. Again, I can make my choices just like you are free to make yours. I don't know this for gospel, but it would make sense to me that this is the heart of the matter in regards to smoking and GUE membership. In my view, you are absolutely free to make the decisions you want to in regards to smoking or not smoking. I know many divers who smoke and on occasion, I will dive with them in simple shallow warm water dives. However, I won' dive with them in any deeper, cold water, or more challenging dives for my safety. Just my decision here.
I hope I am not going to start a serious war here and I don't mean to offend you or anyone else. Maybe someone with more GUE experience can chime in and present some thoughts. I can just imagine I am going to get flamed but I wanted to give you a few thoughts Ivan without wanting to offend you.