Hi again Ivan,
I kind of get the impression that you think GUE trained divers are some kind of jedi knights of the underwater world. While the standard of instruction is excellent, and it will forever change the way you dive, it is not some sort of secret club that won't share it's "secrets" with anyone who doesn't join the club. Nothing GUE does is brand new. They didn't invent the back kick or the BP/W. The only thing they have done is assemble several different things into a holistic system to make your diving safer and thus more enjoyable. What is it you would like to learn? What would you like to add to your diving? Ask those questions on this board and 99 percent of GUE trained divers would be more than happy to steer you in the right direction to help you. If you want to learn to back kick (which is a hugely useful skill) you are probably going to find it easiest to do so with a non -split fin like a jet fin. If you want to remain horizontal in the water, you will find it easier particularly as a beginner, (which you are in reality, (so am I) with a BP/W. If you want to learn about just about any aspect of DIR or GUE, we will be absolutely too happy to help. It really did change the way I dive and the way I want to dive and what do they say about the most recent converts making the best advocates
? Nobody is trying to keep you out of a secret club and not share with you. It is just that the GUE standards are what they are, (for some of the reasons I mentioned in my earlier post) and you need to meet them to do GUE training. Just like you can't be a PADI rescue diver without O2 and first aid training. You can't really complain that PADI is making it harder for people who just don't want to take O2 training so they can't become a rescue diver. However, there are alternative methods to learn the skills involved in that course. So, what do you want to know?
I kind of get the impression that you think GUE trained divers are some kind of jedi knights of the underwater world. While the standard of instruction is excellent, and it will forever change the way you dive, it is not some sort of secret club that won't share it's "secrets" with anyone who doesn't join the club. Nothing GUE does is brand new. They didn't invent the back kick or the BP/W. The only thing they have done is assemble several different things into a holistic system to make your diving safer and thus more enjoyable. What is it you would like to learn? What would you like to add to your diving? Ask those questions on this board and 99 percent of GUE trained divers would be more than happy to steer you in the right direction to help you. If you want to learn to back kick (which is a hugely useful skill) you are probably going to find it easiest to do so with a non -split fin like a jet fin. If you want to remain horizontal in the water, you will find it easier particularly as a beginner, (which you are in reality, (so am I) with a BP/W. If you want to learn about just about any aspect of DIR or GUE, we will be absolutely too happy to help. It really did change the way I dive and the way I want to dive and what do they say about the most recent converts making the best advocates