I'll write a trip report this weekend, but no, I didn't get to see a Whale Shark, dang it. In fact, it was kind of a bumpy start to my diving this time. My first dive day, a Saturday, was spent chasing the elusive Whale Sharks and by the next morning my right ear had plugged up. I went to see the doctor on Monday. He told me my ears were full of wax, yuck, prescribed ear wax softener drops and told me to come back in two days. So I had to spend my time hanging around the village but also went on a bird spotting training class in the jungle with the Splash crew. Then the doc flushed out my ears, again yuck, and I was good to dive after that although I had to take antibiotics for a week to ward off any potential infection. By that time, the Whale Shark "season" was over.
Whale Sharks were spotted the day before I dived and two out of the four days I couldn't dive.
Otoh, I did more Lion Fish hunting this year than ever before. Really got into it. I'm happy to report that we didn't see as many Lion Fish this year as in years past but still managed to put a dent, at least temporarily, into the current population.