for sure this news has already made it to the president's ears.We've forwarded these photos and others on this thread to the office of President GMA herself. She apparently is also a diver and may be sympathetic to the cause. Naive??? Perhaps. Does it hurt?... not at all.
Thanks to those involved in minimizing the suffering of the animal and those initiating the local campaign to seek out the people responsible for this.
the presidential dive club (for lack of a better term) include Gigi Santos, Yvette Lee, and Tessa Prieto... all with ears in the media and the dive industry.
The shark made news in the inquirer - where Tessa is a writer (and owner i believe)
Was with Joel Uichico here in Barce and even he had heard about it - and he's now based in bohol...
Media does have its purpose... Facebook, SB, PDI or whatnot... thank God it's not all Kris Aquino
