I had that issue with a toy I ordered for my grandson. Months went by I disputed the charge (PayPal) they reached out to the seller heard nothing for weeks then suddenly I get an email the item is shipped and will be delivered that day and they closed the case and I was pissed because they closed it without me actually getting it but later that day it showed up in the mail.
Anyway when I checked out the company after the item didn't show for months it was all 1 star reviews all to the effect of the company is a scammer and no one was getting their stuff. But I got mine and I figured they were having delivery and customer service issues. They meant well but couldn't figure it out.
Probably the same deal with this company. Somebody or somebodies plural dropped the ball and continue to drop the ball and the messages are going to the wrong person or no person.
Or the company is tanking fast and you are just the tip of the iceberg.
nah they've been this way for years. ask anyone that's been tech diving in the last ten years or so around here and they'll give you a similar reivew to mine (more than likely)
they aren't going anywhere