Wetsuits and odors.

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LaGrange, IL
I have a Henderson Hyperstretch wetsuit that seems to
be giving off an odor much like a skunk.

The suit itself smell fine, but if I leave it in a closet or bathroom
hanging up by itself for lets say 2 hours with the door closed
half way, when you re-enter the room there is a faint smell
that of a skunk.

I left the wetsuit hanging up next to a wall for a few months,
and my wall smelled, but like I mentioned the suit smells fine.

Has anyone else had a problem like this?

I have cleaned the wetsuit with wetsuit shampoo and used
MiraZyme odor eliminator.
I have no problems with my wetsuit, but I can not get the smell out of my dive boots. Any suggestions?
I have a Henderson Hyperstretch wetsuit that seems to
be giving off an odor much like a skunk.

Be grateful, people spend good money to get that close to nature. :)

What is the usage history of the suit? What's on the other side of the wall?

Skunk! What kind of waters are you diving?
I use a little Downy or Woollight when rinsing my wet suits, hang them
to dry and store them in a closet which is used just for my scuba gear.
The only odor detected in that closet is the smell of neopreme.
I also have Henderson Hyperstretch that has an odor that I just cannot get rid of but it doesn't smell like a skunk. (at least I hope it doesnt!) I use westuit shampoo after every weekend of diving then soak in water with a little Downy. I have also used Sink The Stink. All worked fine until my suit got to be older and the neoprene started breaking down, now it just smells no matter what I do. Now I just use it for the pool while I am using my drysuit for OW and will get a new wetsuit (not a Henderson) when the water gets a little warmer. How old is your suit?
I have a Henderson Hyperstretch wetsuit that seems to
be giving off an odor much like a skunk.

Just don't tell the skunk's wife. :eyebrow:

Try turning it inside out to make sure it's well dry on the inside before you store it.

I use fans to blow in the boots. If they dry quick they don't sit there wet and stink. I also use a fan to lightly blow air across the wetsuits. I make sure to flip them inside out and vice versa every few hours. This has helped me control the stinkmonster that was living in my wetsuits.

I've found that no matter what, neoprene stinks up a room. Even a brand new wetsuit that's never been worn or put in the water will make a closed room smell bad after a day or two.
Yeah, what Jon said. Sink the Stink is great stuff, but ultimately, it's a good idea to hang your wetsuits in the basement or someplace away from your clothes. Neoprene is just smelly in general. Pugh.
I love diving, but the smell of neoprene makes me gag. It's a conditioned response to all the scuba-related pukin' I have done over the years.
My neoprene is far away from my nose in my house.

Or...I could hang a shortie near the fridge so I wouldn't eat quite as much. Hm. I may be onto something here.

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