I own an ME7 from Pinnacles and their wetsuits are top notch for both quality and durability. did I mention warmth?
I use my suit with a 3mm heated torso plus 3mm hooded vest both Merino. I wear 4mm kevlar gloves and 6mm boots both Merino.
Dive one, 59 minutes at 52 degrees towards the last 10 minutes of my dive my hands are really cold and uncomfortable, the rest of my body is nice and warm escpecially the chest and back.
Dive two, 45 minutes at 52 degees after a surface interval of almost 2 hours, I'm uncomfortable cold in the hands, arms and towards the end of the dive my feet froze.
Dive three, are you kidden?
My suit has about 60 dives so it could be the boots and gloves are going. The rest of the suit is so durable it looks like new, I kid you not. But then again I always babied my suit.
My suit is now retired in the garage and I own a complete DUI CLX 450 drysuit. I haven't dove dry yet so I don't know the difference.
So back to your original question I would go with the Seal 3mm, I almost purchsed one the other day because I plan on diving Florida, Tampa area. But when I spoke to the Floridians they told me most locals do 5mm in the winter and 3mm in the summer.
Maybe you should see which month you are going to hit and make your call.
Oh yeah, some divers will dive a 7mm in the winter in Florida just for you to know...