Wetsuit season for NJ shore?

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Reaction score
Orlando, FL
# of dives
50 - 99

I'd like to say again thanks for all the help I've received here, this board is an invaluable resource. I hope I haven't worn people out by posting too many questions on here...

I was wondering what is the typical time period during the year when one can dive comfortably off the NJ or LI shore (from a boat) using a 7MM wetsuit?


I'd like to say again thanks for all the help I've received here, this board is an invaluable resource. I hope I haven't worn people out by posting too many questions on here...

I was wondering what is the typical time period during the year when one can dive comfortably off the NJ or LI shore (from a boat) using a 7MM wetsuit?


On Fire Island, the water always seemed warmest in September.

I'd like to say again thanks for all the help I've received here, this board is an invaluable resource. I hope I haven't worn people out by posting too many questions on here...

I was wondering what is the typical time period during the year when one can dive comfortably off the NJ or LI shore (from a boat) using a 7MM wetsuit?


Its been 10 years since I dove wet, but I definitely remember diving May thru October in a wetsuit. August and September is when the ocean is at its warmest. October is still warm, but the air get chilly. There might have been a few November days, but they were few and far between.

Hope that answers your question.
thx wrekdiver, that is exactly what I needed

Its been 10 years since I dove wet, but I definitely remember diving May thru October in a wetsuit. August and September is when the ocean is at its warmest. October is still warm, but the air get chilly. There might have been a few November days, but they were few and far between.

Hope that answers your question.
A few of us finally popped our cherries yesterday off the NJ coast and at 100fsw it was still about 5 degrees cooler than Dutch.

Which was a few degrees cooler than the last local dive I did before getting my drysuit.
A few of us finally popped our cherries yesterday off the NJ coast and at 100fsw it was still about 5 degrees cooler than Dutch.

Which was a few degrees cooler than the last local dive I did before getting my drysuit.

don't keep us in suspense....

we want details (i.e. what boat, what wreck, vis, temps, etc...)

I'm jealous, we never even stepped on the dock this morning...but breakfast was damn good!
Grunszter, yes, how were the conditions, difficulty level etc?
I'm going (off of NJ) on Aug 1 and looking forward to it. I didn't dive this wkd because of bronchitis.

A few of us finally popped our cherries yesterday off the NJ coast and at 100fsw it was still about 5 degrees cooler than Dutch.

Which was a few degrees cooler than the last local dive I did before getting my drysuit.
The water's warming up after this weekend's NE blow...

I just got back from doing a quick dive tonight on the Sea Girt Reef to recover a fishing boat's anchor that got stuck in one of those armored personnel carriers. Yes, we gave it back.

I'm pretty sure I had 55 on the bottom at 67'. Regardless, I was sweating in my drysuit! Definitely wet suit temps!

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