What is the general consensus on this? Would a disconnected or malfunctioning inflater cause you to abort a dive?
If we discuss this, it could be traumatizing to the family, if they read this. What I hope they would embrace, is that we as a group try to prevent other divers from being hurt or killed, by discussing dive accidents, trying to identify anything that could have contributed to the accident, and with our discussions, we attempt to create solutions to make all divers safer.
Some divers that are unfamiliar with oral inflation of a bc, due to an inflator failure, "may" abort. This level of discomfort, would not be a good thing on the surface, as when a diver gets worried, and this tends to exagerate, they also tend to problem solve with less speed. At the surface, if there was no epiphany about oral inflation, the diver "could" be too heavy to easily tread water at the surface...If the regulator got out of their mouth, this would get ugly, very quickly, especially if the diver tried to tread water in a vertical position, as opposed to horizontal like a snorkeler.
And this may have had nothing to do with it, beyond adding more exertion than the diver's cardiac health could handle, and what was skill wise a non-incident for the diver, could suddenly have become the precursor to a Heart attack...or asthma attack, or something else.
There are still so many possible causes right now, it is crazy to throw around all the "ifs", until there is an autopsy and we know if there was a medical complication. For all we know, this diver may have dropped out of the group suddenly, without warning anyone else, because he did not feel good, and wanted to rest and slow breathing rate...and it may not have subsided. He may have just been tinkering with the inflator mechanism..and then was no longer able to deal with it any more....I say lets end this debate, until we get a real report.