Come on Don. Give her a break. With one post she clearly would not be an over opinionated poster expected to know TOS.
I'm sure she is not a scubaboard junkie as she only has that one post. More likely she did a search of her loved one and found this site.
You would be correct in the fact that I am not a scubaboard junkie as you put it. You are also correct in the fact that I was online searching for articles about Eddie because I was not there with him. I would very much like to know what took him from us just as everybody else does. I know that I have a lot of unanswered questions like, for example, why was his hose disconnected? Was it disconnected before or after he entered the water? Why was he so far east when he should have been north? If Im not mistaken, I dont think he was partnered with his son so then where the h&!? was his buddy? How was he still alive after 3 hours of searching, an hour in the water and still with 2400 psi in his tank? Also, from what I understand, there was evidence that he was trying to remove the weights from his belt. He had been diving several times before so its not like this was anything new to him. Most of the things that I know now, I learned from reading this forum so Im thankful it is here. Otherwise we would really be in the dark about a lot of things. It just goes to show you that you really dont know whats going to happen from one day to the next. Thats why we have to put our trust and our lives in God's hands and just live each day as it comes. God bless every one of you on here and please be safe.