There are several versions of this news story on the web, but they all seem to be just restating the original source with no investigative reporting. He was recovered by dive buddies so the actual cause is probably known to some locals. Cardiac events are possible at any age it seems, but who knows.
There is really no investigating to be done yet. The facts are currently limited to what was done to get him to the surface and the emergency procedures performed shore side. They all point to a massive cardiac event.
Divers here rarely talk to the press because all that’s ever reported is the initial “Scuba diver dies while in West Hawk” but they never follow up with the results pointing to massive cardiac arrest. There have been three fatalities in recent years and they were all handled the same by the press and they all had the same cause. They also never go into family history of heart conditions which are relevant in some of these 3 now 4 cases.
The other fact is that rescuing/retrieving a diver from the water and then performing CPR/AED and rescue breaths and O2 for a en extended period of time are traumatic events for the divers involved. All the training we get doesn’t prepare us for the trauma of loosing someone like that. I can’t imagine being able to talk to the press about it quickly. They will also suffer flashbacks when they inevitably have to teach or participate in Rescue Courses.
The autopsy will be the fact that counts. When I hear what the results are and that they’ve been made public I’ll share them here.... because they will barely register in the press.