Mo2vation:I do sissy single tank recreation weenie diving - so for my DUI, the zip gloves made sense. Its a rare day in SoCal when it gets in the low 50s, but it happens. And I'll dive PNW and NorCal sometimes where it will get in the low-low 50s, high 40s. The rest of the time for me, diving is in the 58 - 64 range - fine for wet gloves, so I zip off the smurfy gloves, zip on the seals, its all good.
And as much as it pains me to admit to it (the Uncle Pug Dry Glove = Warmer Feet postulate) it is true.
'Sissy' - don't you believe it. Betcha 7/8 of all the miscreants on here never stuck their big toes in anything less than 65F.
The UP corollary makes sense to me.
Thanks for the info, kids - I (for one) am gonna go for it. Those zip seal doodads that allow one to flip either way sound like the answer, to me.