Yes...the extra space and the people made the big difference. It was nice to be able to take a nap on the bench in the salon without feeling like you were denying anyone a space to sit.Big O once bubbled...
Nice report, Iv'e dove the Gardens off the Spree and was very comfortable. What was so nice about this boat? (Space I assume?)
And the sleeping cabins were a bit larger.
Also...having boiled fresh gulf shrimp (and big ones!) as our meal during the ride back to shore as an extra added plus.
Yes, this is the one. As usual, Nitrox would have the added safety margin, but the depths we were at were 75-85 feet, so they are very do-able on air.Is this the boat without Nitrox that you were telling me about in Florida?
So when are we gonna plan the trip to dive the wonderful wreck of the Dr. Pepper Machine?