We're back from the Flower Gardens!

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N. of Dallas, TX
The Flower Gardens trip was a real good time. I enjoyed meeting the new faces from some of our southern crowd and re-linking with Campana.

The SeaSearcherII is a good boat, and I can definitely recommend it over the Fling/Spree due to many reasons. Faster boat (we left the dock after 10:30 and STILL beat the other two boats to the buoys), more space, less divers, more space, and an excellent crew. They all did a good job taking care of us.

Diving conditions were typical gulf. At the start, 4-5 foot waves with a 6 rolling through, but by Sunday we were down to large 2 foot swells. Some surface currents, but mostly just easy surge below.

Two Manta rays were present on the East Bank and they were just as curous about us as we were about them.

BJ earned the title "shrimp and nurse shark spotter" for being able to find many of the little guys.

Des (Texass) spotted a big lobster tucked in a crevice on our last dive at Stetson bank.

Photos going to the processor tonight...will share once they're back.

Since I didn't hear all the stories from the dives, how about the rest of you that went on the trip post your favorite stuff here?

Glad to see you had a safe trip back home. I didn't envy you the long drive.

It was great diving with everyone. Good group. Just the type of folks you want to be on a boat with. Everyone was considerate of each other, even after 3 days.

Being able to swim with a manta and it allowing us to be sooo close was a great experience. My personal favorite was Stetson Bank. The drop off the wall is fantastic.

The Sea Searcher II crew did everything possible to make our trip enjoyable and safe. They worked hard from beginning to end. Food was teriffic and plentiful. Boat was immaculate and well prepared. Their diver tracking system and record keeping of depths, times, and air for each diver is an added safety factor.

I am convinced that this trip can be challenging and fun but definitly not for beginning OW divers. I would have had major concerns if a new diver had been along, Dealing with varying currents, surge, waves, entrance and exit techniques would put an inexperienced diver at risk.

Thanks again to Dee for putting the trip together.

I'm glad everything worked out so well....you never know about the Gulf! I watched the bouys all weekend and was getting concerned when I started seeing 4-5's.

Don'tcha just love the Sea Searcher?

BJ and Lynette must have gotten there after Steve and I left, I don't remember seeing them, and they weren't in the photo.

Can't wait for the photos!
I'll be looking forward to the pictures and more posts from participants.

Thanks Dee for posting the earlier pictures of the group "on their way".

After being out of town all week, I rested on Saturday and didn't accompany Bill out to CSSP. He was working with a class. I'm sorry I didn't go, because I missed seing you, Aimee.

Bill said he ran into you at the fill station. I did go out on Sunday and had a great time as usual.

We'll probably be out there next weekend. See ya soon.
Special thanks to ScubaTexan for keeping me awake on the drive home.

We had one diver figure it was too rough and over his head and not dive. Great call.

Several people got sea sick. Including me.

Got to add to my list of new stuff seen. Including two green variety Bearded fire worms. Sorry no pics. Some of the barracuda were almost too friendly. Great but challenging diving. Safety stops tended to beat on you a little.

The rig dive was cool.

I really learned a whole lot this weekend. Had a great time.

Nice report, Iv'e dove the Gardens off the Spree and was very comfortable. What was so nice about this boat? (Space I assume?)

Is this the boat without Nitrox that you were telling me about in Florida?

Glad ya had fun Bro!

Waves were 5 to 6 at some points, huh?
Adversity does make for better divers.


I wanna go next year! (I never get sea sick, unless I feel bad.)
Glad to hear you guys had a good time. Can't wait to see your pics! I'll be on the Fling this weekend. Hope I have as good a time, too.

I found out my Rx mask broke at the very begining of the first dive so didn't get to enjoy anything on that one except the big waves and how to use the dive ladders. (oh and the zodiac)

Every other dive after that was absolutely great. The second dive of the day I dove with Miles and right before we were to ascend (we were the only ones still on the bottom so no pics) the big manta came swooping in on us. Made a bee line right to me, I got to rub its underbelly and then it circled back to me two more times. We got to play with her for about a good 3-4 minutes then we had to go up.

We saw a couple sharks and tons of barracuda. Lots of them when we jumped in for the night dive. The tag line kept drifting under the boat and the current had died down a bit so Des and I just dropped down right by the boat which was really kind of eary sliding down through the school of a dozen or so cudas just perched there watching us.

All in all, great dives, great food, great folks, cold-----cold a/c in the salon.......great trip.

Thanks to everyone on the trip, ya'll made my month. It was wonderful getting to meet everyone and share stories of dives and life outside the water as well.

Best Regards,


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