I got my weezle (from round 1) Friday. I dove it Saturday & I have nothing bad to say about it. 50 deg. water for 75 min, 2 hour surface interval, 50 deg for 60 min. Not even a hint of a chill! This garment is unbelievable. I wore a pair of jersey knit shorts & T-shirt under the weezle & could not feel a drop of moisture on me anywhere after the dives.
Be prepared to add some lead. I put on an extra 8# w/ double HP130's & SS BP.
By the way Mike, the size turned out to be perfect. If you need help filling the last 3 or 4 spots for round 2, let me know. I'd consider ordering a second one to replace this one when I wear it out.
Be prepared to add some lead. I put on an extra 8# w/ double HP130's & SS BP.
By the way Mike, the size turned out to be perfect. If you need help filling the last 3 or 4 spots for round 2, let me know. I'd consider ordering a second one to replace this one when I wear it out.