Weekly Night Dive 7/23

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The information obtained in this post is only intended to be general summary information to the public. It is not intended to take the place of either the written law or regulations. Please do not quote the statement made in this post. It is only here for referance. We suggest you don't make 'assumptions' about our official position on issues that are discussed here. That is not what this post is about. We believe it to be unwise to sweep controversy under the carpet. We also firmly believe people should not only read material which they agree with. The opinions expressed through This post does not necessarily represent those of The Beach Crabs, ScubaBoard, or the General Dive Community.

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:rofl3: Good one.

Something like this should be a sticky for the BCs... ha ha ha ha
lol. unfortunatly. as much as i was planning on going and want to go. i dont think its a good idea considering i have swimmers ear again and i pulled a thigh muscle. im thinking ill take the day off that way i can dive on saturday...sorry all
sorry guys I have to work tonight. I love G-City especially night dives there for some reason. Pretty bummed out. We gotta start doing tuesday and thursday night dives. You all have fun.
Ok.... Had fun. We met at G-city and decited it looked like Mud. Rich said it looked better up north by Deer Creek, So we decited to dive their before. Was a nice dive 10-15ft vis. 36 mins, Saw a big Sargo, Black Perch, Smelt, Thornback. Had a good time :D Aly did good getting in and out of the water for her First night dive. Thanks Rich and Aly for being good dive buddys.

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