bfdc:....so dale, how come your site - particularly the wreck database - is a complete rip-off of my website? www.nc-wreckdiving.com; no "courtesy of" or attribution, etc.
....all the text, graphics, photos are clearly marked for source or copyright, yet your wreck database - dive notes, etc, copies my site word-for-word. You give the impression that you actually dive these wrecks - as opposed to those of us who have been diving these since 1979. Maybe you only webdive?
...how about taking it down NOW and doing something original?
As I stated to you in an email and on my site, I used some of the wreck info from your site, including text and images, to test an ASP database engine I'm working on. If I wanted to steal it, I would have taken it all but only wanted a few different ones so I could test searching and other features missing in your site. I also wanted a consistent layout also missing from your site. There is a formal apology posted on the main page of my site...oh and I love the web diving comment.