That sounds like a awesome time, but my wife will also be along and she is a non diver and gets motion sick very easy. So we was going to do 2 dives in the morning and then chill with her. Since we are at the Courtyard, it will be pretty easy to jump on the dive boat, since its right there. And than should be back around noon. And I know we have been very spoiled from all the places we have dove, but my Daughter will be done with Nursing School, so this is her last Spring break. We thought it would be a nice trip for all of us. And we would like to add 1 more place on our dive list. I own a snorkel company in Aruba, and my Nephew certified us in Aruba 10 years ago. He spends a lot of time in the Keys, and he just told us that we really need to go and check it out. So we will go and check it out. I am use to 82 degree water in Aruba, so I think I am going to get my eyes open on the water temp!