Way to go Jupiter dive center

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Pulled off another forum but was such a good story thought I would share it::lotsalove:

Stolen hp 120s recovered!


It took all of about 20 hours, but the 2 hp 120s that were stolen from my truck sunday or monday night were recovered today! The only thing that outweighs my jubilation over recovering these 1 year old tanks is the gratitude I feel towards two local dive shops that made this possible: Jupiter Dive Center and ScubaWorks. It's a fairly long story, but here goes . . . .

Went diving Sunday and left the three tanks in my truck the last couple of days. I noticed last night that I was short 2 hp 120s. I posted here and on the planet hoping that someone might hear something. About half an hour after my post, I got a pm from John at ScubaWorks (which is about 7 miles from where the tanks were stolen) letting me know that someone called them earlier that day trying to sell them 2 used tanks. The seller was obviously not a diver as he didn't know the capacity, steel or aluminum, or anything else about the tanks. The seller said he would be by today to drop off the tanks.

I talked to John this morning and gave him a full description of the tanks. If the guy came in and the tanks matched the description for mine, he was going to do a real slow VIP to give the cops time to get there. Fortunately, ScubaWorks has caller id so they had the guy's cell phone number. John called the guy sometime this afternoon when he didnt show to let him know he was still interested in buying the tanks. I am not real sure what the guy's response was to the phone call but hopefully John can fill in the blanks.

In the meantime, I called Jupiter Dive Center to get a copy of the invoice for filing the police report. I also let them know to be on the lookout for the tanks as well.

They guy ends up not bringing the tanks into ScubaWorks. What did happen though is that a "good samaritan" dropped by Jupiter Dive Center around 4 this afternoon brought in my tanks! He says he was working on a construction site in the area and found the tanks hidden on the property under some jumper cables and clothes. The tanks have VIP stickers for JDC so thats why he says he brought them there. When asked if he wanted to leave his name and number so that the lucky owner could thank him, he declined and said to "just tell him merry christmas early". Gerry and the gang got his tag number before he left though. At the end of the day, the tanks are back at JDC getting filled and the ordeal ended up saving me the trip in.

Admittedly, I have absolutely no proof that the guy who called ScubaWorks had anything to do with my tanks going missing. Maybe it was just a coincidence. Likewise, I have no proof that the guy who returned the tanks had anything to do with them going missing either. Maybe he really did just find them on the jobsite and just happens to live less than two miles from my house. Maybe not. We'll see if the owner of the cell phone is the same guy that dropped off the tanks. As Marsellus Wallace said, "I ain't through with you by a damn sight."

What I can prove is that the guys at ScubaWorks and Jupiter Dive Center absolutely rock! Without their help, I'd be in the market for another $700 in tanks. I cannot thank those guys enough. Try getting that kind of help from an online dive shop.

Some takeaway points from this mess:

1. Do a better job of locking my truck at night and not leaving expensive items in plain sight unnecessarily.
2. Write down the serial numbers for all my tanks.
3. Write my name on the tank neck.
4. Write something else on the tank behind the boot and out of sight.
Glad you got your property back and it is great to hear that the dive shops acted like they did. It is service like that that will keep people coming back. I am the owner of 2 PST HP 120's and I would definitely not want to have them stolen. Kudos to them.
I am constantly amazed at how interconnected even the large Florida dive industry is.

Even dive shops who are technically competitors for one another - I know I was at my LDS once and overheard the owner giving another dive shop advice on their similar compressor. Or dive ops - I have seen firsthand how the different "competing" boats will pull together rapidly to find a missing diver or help pull each other's divers from the water in an emergency.

Makes me feel good about giving all these places my business.

Anyway, glad this worked out for ya!
Awesome Kudos to both dive shops and glad you got your tanks back!

Nice to have a happy ending to a story like this for a change :D
Glad your story had a happy end-
ing; great job on the part of the LDS's involved.

Your #1 "Takeaway" point is pretty obvoius; if you had not left expensive items in plain sight this would likely not have happened. Never make it so easy to be ripped off - you handed the theves an engraved invitation.

Its sad we have to live this way but in todays world......
SOunds like the BG figured out he was getting set up so he brought the tanks in. Most like stole them to sell for scrap thinking they were aluminum. I know many scrap yards that will not take scuba tanks because of the hassel they have had in the past with them being serialized. Band new shutters off of someone's house, now that is another story.

It is unfortunate the guy did not come in to sell the stolen tanks.

Dealing in Stolen Property = Felony 3.
Burg to Vehicle = Felony 3
Larceny over 300 = Felony 3

Waffle face from the "brake check" on the way to the jail for stealing from another diver= Free of Charge.
Kudos to both dive shops. Last month I dove with JDC for two days and wish I had had more time. Have not had the opportunity to dive with Scubaworks yet. Am now investigating another trip down to the Jupiter area - where it is warm - temp in NH this AM 15 degrees.


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