the prosecutor did have a slam dunk case with a judge who was prepared to convict without evidence.
I would seriously like to see prosecutors and police held more accountable for things like this.
What do you call an attorney that can't hack it in private practice?
Either "Your Honor" or "the Prosecution".
In the Oklahoma case I mentioned earlier, state law almost makes prosecutors immune from any retribution, but in this case it was so bad the defendant did win a pretty big award.
we had a case where the assistant state attorney general prosecutor with held evidence that could have cleared the defendant and he wasn't held accountable. When the family filed a lawsuit (after the charges were dropped), the other judge wouldn't allow it to go to trial.
If I remember, the police who were part of the railroading got away free.
well it's not against the law for the police to lie to you. But they can charge you with giving false information to them if you lie to them.
go figure....
I guess I am saying I don't trust the system to protect an innocent person from a zealous prosecution.
zealous prosecution happens every day.