You have said something similar in the past Kgirl see post 155 in this thread "I can tell you that if there is a trial, and I am beginning to doubt if there will be one, and Gabe is found not guilty, I will accept that verdict as justice having been served."
I am having problems with equating putting someone in front of a jury or court as the only way of ensuring justice is done.IMHO forcing an innocent to a trial potentially bankrupting them with legal fees and wrecking their health with stress is justice gone mad! Someone for reasons that could even be a result of their own emotional or mental health issues could launch a campaign forcing the person they are fixated on into court because in their twisted perception that is the only way they feel Justice will be served! We don't have to look far to see what some people would interpret as a prime example of exactly that going on involving a Forum dear to all of us!
I stand by my previous post and it is essentially the same as what Mr. Thomas said. However, there would be no need for trials at all if you could determine without a doubt in advance of a trial that someone is innocent. That is why we have judges, courtrooms, juries and trials. It is what we call the legal process. Indeed, there are people who are aquitted but still forced through the agony of a trial. You could say it is not fair for anyone who is aquitted to be put through this process. One would think that you are suggesting that prosecutors should determine the innocence or guilt of someone, then what would be the point of having any trials? This case is not as clear-cut one way or the other at this point as any one of us may think, myself included. It needs to be adjudicated. What happened in Australia was a plea deal, and plea dealing in Australia is under serious criticism, not by the U.S., but by Australian citizens. Previous links to that already provided. It was dealt down to something that should not even be a crime - being a bad buddy. It cannot be enforced as a crime on any other diver. That is how bad and nonsensical the plea deal is. You've got divers coming on here saying they are not sure they want to become rescue divers because of it.
It's already been established that double jeopardy does not apply across International liines and Alabama wants justice served for it's Alabama citizen, Tina Watson. allegedly perpetrated by another Alabama citizen, Gabe Watson.
So - he is out of your country now and in ours and our justice system now has a right to do as they see fit to define what they see as justice.