From many things being said here, there should not be a problem if the defense admits that Watson wanted to change Tina's insurance before the wedding or asked her to change it or even went to her place of work to do it behind her back. So why beat-up on Mr. Thomas? Jurors don't like it when you beat-up on the parents of a dead girl. That would make no sense.
As I have stated I think the insurance issue is going to be hard to sell as sinister. IMHO however proving that it was done "behind her back" may be difficult... if it was proven it would leave a very bad impression indeed! If I was on the jury that would not sit well with me.
I wish Bruce was around to comment on the necessity/wisdom of the "kid gloves treatment" for Mr Thomas. I just don't think the benefits exceed the dangers there. There is a difference between "beating someone up" and asking reasonable and tough questions. If I was on the jury I would not be put off by the defense challenging any of the witnesses the prosecution called. IMHO it is the job of the legal teams involved to ensure the statements (and the motives for them) before the court are thoroughly examined so the jurors can come to reasonable conclusions. It is the Judge's duty to ensure there is NO beating up of anyone and the lawyers stay within acceptable courtroom etiquette!
I am not sure why it is not acceptable to challenge the parent/friend of a dead person but it is ok to attack the widow/widower or in-laws of the dead person.
Mr. Thomas also said that all he wanted was Watson to face a jury with the evidence and if they found him not guilty, he would be fine with that and justice would be served. If they found him guilty, he would hope that the sentence would be a just one.
MR. THOMAS: "What we want is for him to stand before a jury for the very first time, before that evidence and answer to it. Whatever a judge and jury decide as the outcome of that trial should be true justice. And it doesn't matter to us the sentencing, what that sentence would be as long as it is a just sentence.."
Australia 'Honeymoon Killer': Father of Allegedly Murdered Bride Tina Watson Seeks Justice - ABC News
You incorrectly paraphrased what Mr. Thomas said and tried to incorrectly intepret his meaning - he was profoundly clear.
I don't believe I am misinterpreting his meaning.. I did paraphrase but I don't think I did it incorrectly.
You have said something similar in the past Kgirl see
post 155 in this thread "I can tell you that if there is a trial, and I am beginning to doubt if there will be one, and Gabe is found not guilty, I will accept that verdict as justice having been served."
I am having problems with equating putting someone in front of a jury or court as the only way of ensuring justice is done.

IMHO forcing an innocent to a trial potentially bankrupting them with legal fees and wrecking their health with stress is justice gone mad! Someone for reasons that could even be a result of their own emotional or mental health issues could launch a campaign forcing the person they are fixated on into court because in their twisted perception that is the only way they feel Justice will be served! We don't have to look far to see what some people would interpret as a prime example of exactly that going on involving a Forum dear to all of us!
I am not saying that is the case with The Thomases I do not know them or the Watsons well enough to know if this applies! I also don't know any of the parties well enough to determine who is giving the most accurate portrayal. I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. I will assume that Thomas believes what he is saying about Gabe I will assume that Watsons believe in his innocence but both are too emotionally involved and hurt to make unbiased decisions.
I have said repeatedly over the last couple years discussing this that there will be no Victors only Victims here. Tina will still be gone, her loved ones (on both sides) will still be denied her presence in their lives Watson's name will never be cleared in the minds of some. Both these families have been through Hell and I don't see that ending soon if ever!