your rights end where the rights of another begin. you can be honest, but you can't attack other people.
i am not sure how to make it any clearer
A dirty look is not an assault.
Criticism does not maim.
To point out that gaps in a person's knowledge contradict
the intended testimony of their credentials, and that this
implies those credentials are not valid, and thus that the
person should not be engaging in the activities the credentials authorize is not an attack.
You APPEAR to be laboring under a false definition of an attack.
Look, we need to stop this trend in our society of people
going all victimized every time someone says 'boo.'
One nationally syndicated columnist called it "the wussification of America."
If we find it normal and acceptable for people shrink from the suggestion that they've asked a dumb question, that they have missed the mark by not knowing the answer to a basic tenet of one of their avocations, then what can we
reasonably expect from dozens of people who have the opportunity to possibly save 2000 lives by facing down one or two guys with box cutters?
"Serious gut check time - do I go to pieces when they bounce my bananas, when they won't play my song?" - Christian Slater, 'Very Bad Things'
Seriously, Andy, did my initial response, asking if you were joking, and reference for the information, render you catatonic? Did you cry yourself to sleep over it. Somehow, I doubt it. I know 10 year olds who wouldn't be upset by that response. Have I sorely overestimated your maturity, intelligence, and self-confidence? Tell you what - if you really want to claim that you are enough of a crybaby for that simple response to traumatize you so, then I'll apologize and retract all of it. I thought you were much smarter and better than that, but hey, like Pete said, we all make mistakes. All the lawyer jokes I know not withstanding, I honestly didn't think I was picking on a special needs case. Do you really want to tell me I was wrong in that estimation?