Water as weight rather than lead?

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You guys broke the 300 post mark! Congratulations!
You guys broke the 300 post mark! Congratulations!
It doesn't really count if 250 of them are off topic :D...
I'm not certain what you'd do with waste heat, but I have a couple of guesses.

It's useful for interrogating Iraqi prisoners. :)

Now, if we could figure out a way to divert some of it for punishing out of control dweebs and marsupials.....
If you or I do it, off with our heads!
If he does it, too bad.

Well lets see,

I stand up for the little guy... the guy who asks questions that you contend should never be asked. I point out that you are being a "jerk" for doing that. Now I didn't use any "cuss word" only "jerk"

jerk1 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (jûrk)
v. jerked, jerk·ing, jerks
v. tr.
To give a sudden quick thrust, push, pull, or twist to.
To throw or toss with a quick abrupt motion.
To utter abruptly or sharply: jerked out the answer.
To make and serve (ice-cream sodas, for example) at a soda fountain.
Sports. To press (a weight) overhead from shoulder height in a quick motion.

v. intr.
To move in sudden abrupt motions; jolt: The train jerked forward.
To make spasmodic motions: My legs jerked from fatigue.

A sudden abrupt motion, such as a yank or twist.
A jolting or lurching motion.
Physiology. A sudden reflexive or spasmodic muscular movement.
jerks Involuntary convulsive twitching often resulting from excitement. Often used with the.
Slang. A foolish, rude, or contemptible person.
Sports. A lift in which the weight is heaved overhead from shoulder height with a quick motion.

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

You fit the definition of the slang there.

But you call me a hypocrite and mockingly "the King" and yet nothing has happened to you. Forsooth... you are living up to your alias! Making issues where none exist just to justify your utter meanness to people who are not up to "your" standards in diving or life. Now you are accusing me of "attacking" you by calling YOU a dweeb? Shoulda thought of that long before you chose that name. I think you can find that in module 1 of "Get a Life". :D
I stand up for the little guy... the guy who asks questions that you contend should never be asked.

Nixon believed that the righteousness of his cause justified any means. The list of others who did so is long.
While I commend your intentions, that doesn't justify your method. I've avoided name calling, by your failure to to so too, are you admitting you lack my capability?

Also, as far as sticking up for the little guy, we both equally believe we are doing so. Your definition of help is what I call enabling behavior. What you call mean spiritness, I look at as "tough love," for want of a better term. We probably have similar differences with regard to approaches to education, parenting, and the role of government, although we might not. I don't question your motives - I accept that you believe you are doing the best thing for someone with a question. I also believe I am doing what is best. I don't share your apparent belief that only what feels good is good for people.

In this particular case, your position, based on the actual content of my response to Andy, implies that you think there is no value in someone who doesn't understand the principles involved going back and reviewing their OW text.
Is this what you believe?

As I see it, if someone who is a certified diver, who doesn't know module 1 material, needs to have it made crystal clear to them just how basic and central this deficiency is, and the importance of reviewing to make sure it's the only basic tenet they either forgot, or were never taught. Don't you believe that we should keep our diving knowledge fresh? Asking the question on an online forum, and getting a quicky answer that ignores the alarming gap in a certified diver's knowledge leaves the individual complacent that his question involved esoterica known only to a privileged few in diving, and content that he hasn't forgotten anything important. That's dangerous in my view.

In focusing on my approach and the task of attacking my person, you've studiously avoided the issue at hand. Do you think that all is well and good with someone getting to the advanced certifications Andy has implied he has, without learning or being tested on these concepts? If so, what other components of the PADI OW course, the easiest and content-poorest in the industry, do you think are superfluous? Your defense of this question coming from a multiple certification diver clearly implies that the standards requiring this knowledge are overly burdensome.
That's a major groundbreaking implication you've made - do you care to discuss it, or simply divert attention to C&P of dictionary entries in a loosely veiled attempt to attack my character? I'm offering you the high road; will you take it?

You have no basis for assigning motives to my actions, and to do so is another form of personal attack.

You fit the definition of the slang there.

This is what I'm talking about. This is nothing but a personal insult.

But you call me a hypocrite and mockingly "the King" and yet nothing has happened to you.

When you called me a jerk, I responded. You deleted.
I was denied the opportunity to defend my character against your attacks. You REALLY need to check your facts better.
Furthermore, I stand by the assertion that the name calling I have endured from you would be deleted were I to reciprocate. Of course, there is no way to test it because I refuse to sink to that level.
I'm gonna smack someone with a weight bag full of water if I see this thread come up one more time...............
I stand by the assertion that the name calling I have endured from you would be deleted were I to reciprocate.

Of course, there is no way to test it because I refuse to sink to that level.


let's replay Dweeb's Greatest Hits
So what you are saying Andy, is that an attempt at abject humiliation should never be misconstrued as "tough love"?

And what Dweeb is saying is, if someone hands that "tough love" back to the abject humiliator, then that someone is a hypocrite. I think there's still a lot of silt in this cave. I won't attribute it to the War Hammer Maneuver at this point, but I have my suspicions. :D

Oh, oh, oh... I forgot that the meaning of "Dweeb", "Jerk" and "NetDoc" from the online dictionaries have no relevance since they don't support his basic contention that I am a bad bad man.

Oh, oh, oh... since I believe that ANYONE should be able to ask simple questions here without having to burn their c-cards or to admit that they really DID find theirs in a Cracker Jack box, that I DON'T want them to read their book (especially module 1). (I loathe module 1) (It is sooooo poorly written that some students don't make the right connections) (THEN, we have to sit through a 300+ post thread discussing the relative merits of asking a simple question here or reading module 1 all over again) (Which I especially loathe) (Module 1 that is)

BTW, Dweeb... you can have the high road, cuz I'm going diving. With these neato water weights Andy gave me! :D

Dweeb, Netdoc and Andy......do you guys have Indian (from India) heritage, or are you from India? I've been there a few times and have some good Indian friends, but they, by their own admission, would argue with a skunk if there was no one else around.

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