NetDoc:So what you are saying Andy, is that an attempt at abject humiliation should never be misconstrued as "tough love"?
"Abject humiliation" - what on earth are you talking about.
No fewer than 3 others claimed he must be joking. I merely asked.
I offered a reference.
Andy, do you really feel "utterly humiliated?"
Please tell me I'm correct in my conclusion that you're made of sterner stuff than that. By the way, Pete, I've had enough conversations here with Andy to KNOW he's not some dewy eyed newbie, so let's dispense with the whole newbie thing.
NetDoc:And what Dweeb is saying is, if someone hands that "tough love" back to the abject humiliator, then that someone is a hypocrite.
No, I'm saying that when you call someone a jerk in the SAME POST where you instruct people to leave personalities out of it, THAT is hypocrissy.
And you'll note, I'm not cowering in the corner over your insults. I've taken your insults in stride far more than I would expect of others.
NetDoc:Oh, oh, oh... I forgot that the meaning of "Dweeb", "Jerk" and "NetDoc" from the online dictionaries have no relevance since they don't support his basic contention that I am a bad bad man.
Accuracy is not something you care much for, is it?
That has never been my contention. I have no idea if you are a good person or a bad one. I'm very disappointed with some of your actions, but I have no basis for an opinion whether you are good or bad. You are probably a great person to be around, when you don't have all this power tempting you.
NetDoc:Oh, oh, oh... since I believe that ANYONE should be able to ask simple questions here without having to burn their c-cards or to admit that they really DID find theirs in a Cracker Jack box,
And just who has had to do that? What power do I have to stop someone from asking questions?
NetDoc:that I DON'T want them to read their book (especially module 1). (I loathe module 1) (It is sooooo poorly written that some students don't make the right connections)
That's a separate issue. Personally, I don't find it that bad, although that may be because I wouldn't have to read it, having learned the material in high school. However, having been through law school, I somehow doubt Andy is a stranger to tedious reading. It would take most people 15 minutes or less.
NetDoc:(THEN, we have to sit through a 300+ post thread discussing the relative merits of asking a simple question here or reading module 1 all over again) (Which I especially loathe) (Module 1 that is)
You could always ignore it. Face it, you wouldn't be posting at this point if you weren't entertained by the whole thing.
Or, you could actually say something useful about the issues involved. Clearly, you'd rather just toss personal remarks.