Water as weight rather than lead?

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This has certainly been an interesting thread. It's like I really got to know some people on the "board". Dweeb, I found you a bit abrasive at first but after reading more...you're right. If you aren't a lawyer, you should consider the profession.

Na, too much arguing in that job.
dude, that doesn't rhyme


Okay...if you don't jerk his chain, from rude comments he'll refrain,
because when a dog don't want to play, it's best to leave him alone and walk away....
The jury have found the defendent GUILTY. The charge is 'Not letting go of this thread, and always needing the last word.'
The defendents punishment is as follows:
The defendent will be nice to people for 2 days, no parole for good behaviour. ;)
Okay...if you don't jerk his chain, from rude comments he'll refrain,
because when a dog don't want to play, it's best to leave him alone and walk away....

Perhaps. But Dweeb is just Dweeb. He's not going to change and the only way to stop him is to ban him. But he does give well thought, intelligent answers to lots of questions. Rough around the edges but I wouldn't consider it abusive or brow beating. Entertaining is a better discription.

Aww, shucks, now I'm blushing.
say, get in touch with Dweeb, who is the president of my
FAN CLUB. you can join for $17.99 (one time fee)
and a yearly fee of $4.99 (what a bargain!)

I suppose, Andy, you'll want a cut?
you're a volunteer, dude
whatever happened to disagreeing with civility?

Who's been uncivil?

everyone in this board is welcomed to honestly state their opinions.

Even if they're not dripping in syrup?
Even if they're disapproving?

it's sad that people can't seem to recognize the difference between being honest and a personal attack.

i shall illustrate:

being honest: you are engaging in a dangerious practice.
if you continue, you might get killed. you need to learn about this before you hurt yoruself.

personal attack: what idiot gave you your c-card? you are
a shame to the diving world. crawl back into the hole
from whence you emerged... etc.

hope you can see the difference

I don't think it's those you're addressing who are confused as to the difference. No one's disparaged you personally, Andy. Yes, I made comments about the legitimacy of the certification of someone who demonstrably doesn't grasp OW Module 1 material. Was that a personal attack? No - no more than it would be a personal attack if I told someone who just walked in off the street that they shouldn't dive without proper training - the one dogma that one dare not violate here. If I tell someone they have no business diving until they complete an OW course, that is no different from my harshest statement here, because anyone who has not demonstrated the knowledge we are discussing has NOT, by definition, satisfactorily completed an OW course. I'm merely restating PADI standards. By the book, the question you asked is evidence that the letter of the standard has not been met. If you were to name the OW instructors of all those involved in the discussion on the boat, any PADI member here could technically file a QA report against them.
Andy, you should know by now that I personally think you're an interesting person to converse with, and, as far as I can see, a pretty decent person. Nothing said in this thread in any way militates otherwise. There is no attack.
To say that your instructor didn't train you properly and you shouldn't be diving until the issue is remedied is not to say anything bad about you as a person. If you TAKE it personally, then maybe you should refer to your own comment about little weenies and ask what your diving certs are to compensate for, but somehow, I think you're way too mature for that to be the case.

Let's not fall into some PC redefinition of a personal attack. It's bad enough that so many people accept the PC redefinition of tolerate to mean embrace.
lol... thanks for the kind words!

say, get in touch with Dweeb, who is the president of my
FAN CLUB. you can join for $17.99 (one time fee)
and a yearly fee of $4.99 (what a bargain!)


Can I also be a member of your Fun Club but...with a different president????? ;)
PS. After condsidering it seriously I couls even pay a bit more as a fee with the condition stated above
From http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=dweeb

n. Slang
A person regarded as socially inept or foolish, often on account of being overly studious.

[Origin unknown.]

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.



An even lower form of life than the spod, found in much the
same habitat as the former. though more prevailent on talker
systems. Unlike spods, upon receiving the desired response
to the question "Are you male or female?", dweebs will then
engage upon a detailed description of themselves and how
wonderful they are, often in the hopes of truly impressing the
other with their "charm" and "wit". Nearly all dweebs are
male, but very few actually live up to the image that they
present. Dweebs, unfortunately, are often the cause of
ill-will, and may well bring a bad reputation to the system in
question. They are often, however, easy to wind up and can be
the source of great mirth to the seasoned user.

Source: The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing, © 1993-2004 Denis Howe

In many cases our users choose their aliases perfectly.

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