Water as weight rather than lead?

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Well, you ARE HERE, aren't you??? I am all too familiar with "La Migra". as it is known here in SoCal. My wife is from Mexico, and we had a devil of a time getting her permanent resident status. Fortunately, all is well now.

On the other hand, coming here legally, and expecting to stay and work, well, it does become much more difficult, just as in most other countries. Just do what many people do...come in on a visitor visa, and work under the table until the government offers another amnesty program. With GW in the White House, anything could happen.
You are very correct in all these things, except that the chance of an evil dictatorship/refugee status being applied to British citizens is pretty hard to imagine :wink: Its just going to take time to get through the red tape i guess, just time. I did see a good number of "la migra" in SoCal when i was over the other month, i see similiar here too.

Thanks H2...now I can buy that new BC I've been drooling over!!!
Does this wonder BC have water retaining pockets for when you need extra weights :wink:

Andy, one further question regarding the initial question, what kind of conversation brought you guys to the point of discussing this? The only thing i can recall of using water bottles to change buoyancy was to do with the early cave divers prior to any commercial BC being invented, using the water bottles filled with air to keep them somewhat neutral - was this the genesis of the whole discussion?
Andy, one further question regarding the initial question, what kind of conversation brought you guys to the point of discussing this?

actually, we had just come out of Orange and were
getting ready to take our gear off, when I noticed
a diver had what looked like hot-water packs on the

for some reason, they reminded me of weight packs, so
i asked her, "are you using water as weight??"
then almost at once, i said, "no, that wouldn't work."
she said right, it wouldnt' work... these are hot packs, you
squeeze them and they get hot.

dang, i said, i was a millionaire for about a second (meaning
by inventing the water weights). so we started to talk about
why it wouldnt' work. then submarines got into the equation,
and then BC's filled with water which you dump out,
and before i knew it, i was confused.

hence the question...
actually, we had just come out of Orange and were
getting ready to take our gear off, when I noticed
a diver had what looked like hot-water packs on the

for some reason, they reminded me of weight packs, so
i asked her, "are you using water as weight??"
then almost at once, i said, "no, that wouldn't work."
she said right, it wouldnt' work... these are hot packs, you
squeeze them and they get hot.

dang, i said, i was a millionaire for about a second (meaning
by inventing the water weights). so we started to talk about
why it wouldnt' work. then submarines got into the equation,
and then BC's filled with water which you dump out,
and before i knew it, i was confused.

hence the question...
Maybe you should have told her to wear more neoprene! Dont need handwarmers in the springs if you dont get cold in the first place. However i have seen plenty of cold women walking up the run at other springs, no neoprene :wink:

You guys needed to get back in that spring before you hurt yourselves thinking so hard :wink: I think your brain may have just simbrook'd up for a moment there, it happens to me all the time! Glad it all sorted itself out, even if you arent a millionaire because of it - heh you are a lawyer, on the way to his first million i am sure (thieving, lying, backstabbing, ambulance chasing......). :wink: Were you anywhere near the hostage thing in the Duval courthouse or wherever it was up in your neck of the woods?
Buoyancy for lawyers...

When the party of the first part is denser than the party of the second and the party of the second is defined as a liquid medium according to section 4 paragraph 3 of the decision "Lead vs. Water" then the party of the first part may be said to be "negative" and be useful for but not limited to being ballast for a diver who does not fit the description of being a party of the first part. By definition water cannot be heavier than itself and is thereby precluded from being used as a ballast.

Hopefully this will help. :D
heh you are a lawyer, on the way to his first million i am sure (thieving, lying, backstabbing, ambulance chasing......). :wink:

...well, we all need our hobbies
Buoyancy for lawyers...

When the party of the first part is denser than the party of the second

... then the party of the first part definetely needs a lawyer
cancun mark:
A confused Lawyer, now THATS a scary thought.

it is but... a clever ruse?

yeah... that's the ticket
so we started to talk about
why it wouldnt' work. then submarines got into the equation,
and then BC's filled with water which you dump out,
and before i knew it, i was confused.

hence the question...
There you go taking all the credit......I got confused also....not surprising.
But I'm feeling much better now.
... then the party of the first part definetely needs a lawyer
So what are you saying, that dense people need lawyers to defend them when they have done dumb things, or that they are easier to get money from??? I know you can smell blood at 100 yds, i hope not to smell puke anywhere near the boats we will be on this weekend :wink:

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