Water as weight rather than lead?

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cancun mark:
Actually, a pint is a pound only in some funny country that lies between Canada and Mexico, the rest of the world it is about 600 milliliters, therefore about 600 grams of water. The exception being where a pint is a frosty all natural beverage made from partially germinated grain and flowers.

A U.S. pint still weighs about a pound even in Cancun, Mark!


So, in jolly old England, can you buy a pint for a pound? Or have you finally given in to the new evil empire, and are now using the Euro? (Is it true that, in the EU, if your cucumber is curved even slightly, you can't call it a cucumber?)

A U.S. pint still weighs about a pound even in Cancun, Mark!

So, in jolly old England, can you buy a pint for a pound? Or have you finally given in to the new evil empire, and are now using the Euro? (Is it true that, in the EU, if your cucumber is curved even slightly, you can't call it a cucumber?)

Don't even go there.....................
We hav'nt given up the Pound...............YET :11:

And if you can find a pub selling a pint for a pound, let me know :D

And yes there are some Realy REALY stupid laws coming out of the EU, No curved cucumbers, Metric weights and mearsures for the good old stale holder selling fresh veg to the pensioners who don't understand metric :11:

Can I emigrate........................PLEASE :wink:
So, in jolly old England, can you buy a pint for a pound? Or have you finally given in to the new evil empire, and are now using the Euro? (Is it true that, in the EU, if your cucumber is curved even slightly, you can't call it a cucumber?)


Im not sure if you can get a pint for a pound or what that has to do with cucumbers, but i do know that after a couple, instead of spending a penny, you now have to Euro-nate

haahahaha... brilliant

haahahaha... brilliant

lol....even though the Euro is beating the crap out of the US dollar right now....

So, Andy, how did we get from "water as diving wieghts" to beating up on the European Union?

BTW Andy, since joining SB a few months ago, I have always enjoyed your posts. :wink: Thanks for creating such an interesting thread.
Mr Mares:
And if you can find a pub selling a pint for a pound, let me know
Become a student again, many student unions are around the kind of price. Over they have dollar drinks ($1~60p) and in some places only a nickel at certain times (5c ~3p) so even in the good ol US of A, when i buy a drink and ask for a "pint", i can get a "pint" (actually served in 20 oz glasses which is more than a pint, as 16 US oz = 1 US pint) for much less than 1 pound a pint, go figure. So after butchering our language, they also did the same with the measurement system.
Mr Mares:
Can I emigrate........................PLEASE
Still working on staying here myself :wink:

Andy, who else was in on this discussion at Peacock? You, Chuck, Madeline and anyond else?????? We would have set the record straight at the time if i had been there, blast not having my cavern cert quite yet! :wink: BTW, i come up with questions every day at work that i should be able to answer from years at college and not quite being sure - it must have been the cheap beer at uni (served in UK pints for around 1 GBP). :wink:
oh no... first dweeb, then simbrooks...

i doubt this thread can survive such an onslaught :eyebrow:
BTW Andy, since joining SB a few months ago, I have always enjoyed your posts. :wink: Thanks for creating such an interesting thread.

yes, and in fact, this "spontaneous" testimonial, was in fact
not sponsored by me, nor did i offer to pay widebody
a considerable sum for said "spontaneous" testimonial

(check is in the mail, widebody)

seriously, thank you! i pale in comparison to some of
the amazing posters on here
Why not? Seems like the doors are always flung wide open for most anyone who wants to come! And, I could always use another dive buddy!!!
Ummm, read my other thread on red tape and immigration, the doors are most definately jammed shut, locked and guarded to decent law abiding citizens! Harder to get into this country legally than Fort Knox! :wink:
oh no... first dweeb, then simbrooks...

i doubt this thread can survive such an onslaught :eyebrow:
And you know i dont mean it like that, but 5 mins of discussion during an SI about this would have settled it with the help of SB - if we had all been diving at Peacock that afternoon. Not being a jerk, but just would have discussed it when the question came up - this stuff i can understand in my engineering mind, i can understand a lawyers mind is made up differently - ambulance chaser you! :wink:

Look forward to getting out with you and the others this weekend, just remember the Speigel Grove wont float due to it being full of water :wink:

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