washing shearwater petrel in Detol

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I know (hope) you are just kidding. If not ...... YOu piss in your suit, fart on your car seat, rince your mask in community rince tanks, you dive in non pure waters, you blow snot in your mask and then rince it in the aforementioned rince tank...... And D_ _ _ , some one touched your petrel and your are concerned? Last nignt I stayed in a holiday inn express and had room service deliver a midnight hooker. If iI aint worried about my preditor then you shouldnt be worried about your petrel....... ill buy it for 50$ and pay shipping.

Hi Guys

Today someone touched my sw petrel and i think they had a cold so tonight i washed it thouroughly and used a little little bit of detol neat and then rinsed it with water thouroughly, should this be a problem? anyone else done this?

i know i should have checked the washing instructions first but i checked them after and seen it said do not use and detergent or chemical.

is this a big problem, please help?

also i washed the case in dettol and it smeelss of it, should i still store it in its case the computer?

thanks i am really paniking//scared now.
Great! Now the parental controls on his PC won't let him view this thread in order to respond.
Put it in the dishwasher for 2 hours
I use the oven, it's the only way to get high enough temps to kill everything.

Put the Shearwater in a shallow baking dish. Sprinkle with olive oil liberally. Add your favorite seasoning, I prefer chopped garlic & rosemary. Bake for 45 to 55 minutes depending on the contamination level.

Hope this helps! Enjoy!!
I remember there was a new RSS subscribe feature recently on SB based on keywords etc. Does anyone know if we can create RSS feeds based on users?

Anyone with me?
Maybe not. Still a wind-up merchant

I think we have the technical diver equivalent of Beanojones in our midst ;)

Fairly sure Beanojones would have claimed to be the technical diver equivalent of Beanojones? Declan's in a category all his own… :)

And as for the OP's question - just for the sake of it - Dettol will perish rubber and some plastics. If your wrist-mounted dive computer comes into passing contact with mild viruses in future, you should immediately soak your computer, wet suit, and possibly yourself, in Steramine - a splendidly expensive food-grade disinfectant used to clean rebreathers.

Whether you then purify the surrounding area with a flamethrower and/or radioactive isotopes depends on local laws and best practise.
And I thought the only way to disinfect a shearwater would be a long deep dive, seawater disinfects doesn't it..........

hmm, I think the only way to disinfect a SW computer is to send it to me. I promise to keep it from you so you won't be exposed to any virus. :)

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