Info Want to buy a Mares Puck Pro! :) Any suggetstion?

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Before our Perdix purchases, my family had an Aqualung i300, a Cressi Leonardo, and a Mares Puck Pro. They all worked fine, but I think the Mares was probably our favorite of the three. The one button operation would be difficult if you need to change any settings in the water, but other than that it worked well, it was pretty configurable, and it was cheap. (Although it looks like the price has gone up.)
I am in the same opinion. I know, that im not going to do wreck dives, or cave dives. My max dept will be 30-40 meters :) So im totally a rec diver :D I want to discover the world under the water :) For this, i think a good trustable computer will be enough for me :)
If your gas consumption improves, you may find that the Mares RGBM deco algorithm is limiting to you.
If your gas consumption improves, you may find that the Mares RGBM deco algorithm is limiting to you.

I'm not an algorithm expert, but from personal experience, on a 1st dive at about 130ft, with an Aqualung i-300, a Perdix (default 30/70), and a Mares Puck Pro, the Mares seemed to have the longest NDL (maybe 1 minute more than the i300). The Mares was set to lowest conservatism and no deep stops. The Mares was also fine for two 45 minutes dives on 36% out of Jupiter (roughly 60-80ft deep). Obviously, people can debate about whether trying to get the most NDL out of your computer is really such a good idea, but for the rec diving we were doing we weren't really limited by the Mares.

I admit, though, I have no idea how the Puck Pro would work with repetitive deep dives or liveaboard situations with 4 dives/day for a week. And the Buhlmann algorithm seems to be what everyone prefers. Also, the Perdix is just super cool.

My only point was that we had a good experience with the Puck Pro over the last 4 years, and I think it only cost us $179 when we bought it. And I admit that if I had actually known what we would be doing 5 years down the road, I might have made different gear choices in the beginning.
Buhlmann 30/70 is extremely conservative, even more so than the most conservative rec preset, 35/75. Of course you know that it is only the GF high that applies to no stop, recreational dives.

On the 1st, clean dive, the RGBM algorithms tend to behave middle of the road/moderate in NDL. It is for repetitive dives that they may behave more conservatively.

At 130 feet, the NDLs will never be much different, as they are all short.

The limited bottom time on the JDC dives tends to make any computer algorithm acceptable using the usual nitrox mix.
Understood. I'm not an advocate or critic of the Puck Pro, necessarily. Just saying that for our standard quarry diving and 2-tank boat dives, the Puck Pro worked very well over the years.
The price of the shipping is painful :D
@THPetya - Do you have access to US stuff - like the Deep6 Excursion? Price has risen since December, but still a good value. The plus is, with the soon to be released firmware update, it has the potential to be a killer computer.
@rhwestfall never heard about this computer, really new for me. Seem like a really good and durable little computer, i will try to find any seller in Hungary :)

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