Wanaque Resevoir Old Town on Bottom?

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Contact the national Parks Service. Ask them about a document called The Fedral Damns Innundation Study. The Wanaque Resevoir may have been studied durring this project. I always contact the NPS before diving any man-made body of water as they are usually contracted to survey the area before or after flooding. If the NPS has no info on this, contact the area DOT as they often carry out such surveys for localities. Lastly, contact the Historical Society in the area. They should be a good source of information. Good luck.
Thank you scubamanny! I'll chip away at those sources.
I did find a wanaque.com website that told of an old paper mill that was at the present site of the Raymond Dam which I'd never been told of when growing up in there.

By the way, for those who may not know, the "slang/nickname" (unofficial/official?) was The Newark Resevoir as Newark received a lot of water from Wanaque. I think Paterson also, but don't remember for sure.

langs15, Do you live in Midvale? Ringwood? Stonetown?
(If you don't wish to say, I understand.)

Any old geezers (in their 50's, like me) know of Richard Altraths's present location? I contacted PADI headquarters and they knew he was still in N.J. in l990 but they can't tell me more, legally or otherwise.

Anybody a buddy of Richard's? If you don't know his name, he may have mentioned owning a dive shop in the mid seventies in Haskell. He taught me one on one how to dive and certified me. I'd sure like to thank him and let him know that I'm still diving.

Cheers, Jim
Don't know about Jersey but in PA, most of the reservoirs that feed community water systems, are off-limits. I know a couple of guys that dive them, but it is at night, stealth diving. Most of them will consider you a terrorist trying to poison the populous...
I was afraid of that. I have heard that fishing was by permit only and available only occasionally. I'm going to ask about diving there when I contact the govt. agencies.
Here is some interesting info....




Looks like there might be stuff down there according to those sites.... I know the water level has been low over the past few years. I used to fish the Newark Watershed lakes (Canistear, Clinton, Oakridge, and Echo Lake). I remember a few summers ago going out to Oakridge when they were draining it, people were fishing in the last deep pockets of water and pulling fish out of there like there was no tomorrow. It annoyed the heck out of me that the NJDEP/NJDFW didnt monitor those lakes for people poaching....
Wow! Cool info. and pics. Thanks so much split0l0l !!!
The few small buildings and foundations and chimneys I saw back in the '60's were near the Stonetown Rd. crossing. I saw one or two near Skyline Dr. as well. It looks like those must be long gone now...

Are you a model railroader by chance? I used to be and even attended a show by the club that's in your link, way back when.

Awesome research split, thanks again.

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