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Scuba Instructor
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Someones threatens my life and you don't let me finish it? Why can't you just edit their nasty language. Board members should be allowed to see who these people are. Especially the ones who might run into these sick people out at a dive site.
I agree. That guy just sent me a PM that was just like his threat to you Mike. I have never ever joined a fight like that because most of it is just plain stupid. However...as a man I cannot let that go. You don't threaten someone's life like that. That could really get him or someone else hurt or worse. I apologize for my language but I do not and will not apologize to him for the general content of my posts. I still do not look down on the "real" DIR crowd for this guys BS. So please don't think that I against the DIR folks and what they do. I am just against idiots.

Hurray, I'm in the club.

I'm not overly concerned about a scuba amusement park specialist.

Incidentally, unlike VAJames, I don't apologize. I meant what I said, although I was somewhat restrained in view of the fact that this is a family board.
I understand your concern. I had not been following the thread. A concerned member PMed me asking me to take a look. I did and as I started reading, I saw an insult or two. I began editing the posts, soon it became obvious that most of the thread had become nothing but insults, foul language and did include a death threat from someone using TekDiveGirl's account directed toward MikeFerrara. In the thread, the person posting with TekDiveGirl's account stated he was her husband. In a PM TekDiveGirl stated it was their teenage son. I don't have personal knowledge who posted the insults and death threat. I do know each person is responsible for their own account. Accounts have passwords for a reason. If you allow another access to your account, you are responsible for the consequenses.

Frankly, I saw no reason to spend time trying to clean up individual posts, so I pulled it.
I suppose pulling it was the best thing. The board doesn't need that. Disagreements are one thing but thing but that;s not what that was. I have no idea what that persons diving opinions are even.

Anyway I for one don't believe it was any ones teenage son.

I wonder why every one elses threats were in a PM and mine was in public.
Sounds like I missed some good drama. On my birthday, no less!

I need to stay at home refreshing the new threads page....
I've been on a few forums where people find the need to attack each other. I usually don't hang around such forums long. I didn't see the attack and I guess I'm glad I didn't.

There is almost something cowardly about on-line attacks. The bully mentality at work.
Al Mialkovsky once bubbled...
I've been on a few forums where people find the need to attack each other. I usually don't hang around such forums long. I didn't see the attack and I guess I'm glad I didn't.

There is almost something cowardly about on-line attacks. The bully mentality at work.

That's the fun part! People get all bent out of shape and throw insults and stuff at each other and tell people they're going to die... and it's on the internet. Funny stuff :wink:
This went beyond Internet spew.

TekDiveGirl was actively threatening people who show up at Gilboa Quarry.

Kinda makes you wonder why the account is still active.
I am really ticked off!

This is reprehensible behavior, and completely uncalled for. I feel terrible that someone who calls themselves DIR would act like that.

I kept trying to view the thread and it was gone, I even PM'd scubaroo about it asking what is going on.

This has nothing to do with DIR or even with anything dive related. Anyone who threatens someoene else physically, especially over how to SCUBA DIVE!!!!! should have their meds checked.

At least they have a strong on-line presence so it's easy to see who they are. My suggestion is to stay away from these people and to ignore their posts.

This is absolutely crazy....

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