VT3 or Galileo Sol???

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When you ask a question in the DIR forum, you're going to get DIR answers. The DIR answer is that you're spending a lot of money on functions you don't need, when that money could be spent on better regulators, better lights, or more training. It's real simple.

Yes, virtually ANY computer that can give you depth and time is DIR "compatible". But it's unneeded. (And yes, I'm diving an X1, but I already own everything ELSE I need for DIR diving.)
True, but the question was posed in a DIR forum, with a question stem specifically requesting a DIR answer. A similar computer encrusted with 5ct diamonds would by the same argument also be just as well suited to DIR diving (or perhaps even moreso) if it had basic depth gauge functions, but would anyone recommend it over a cheaper solution that does the same thing, again in a DIR context as originally queried by the OP?

This is getting a bit into the whole Halcyon debacle, but I always thought that a big part of DIR was that you shouldn't waste money on gimmicks and extraneous gadgets that you don't absolutely need underwater? And from a general DIR viewpoint, a fully-featured computer is "basically a waste of money." Agree or not, it's a legitimate DIR viewpoint, one that takes into account monetary concerns.

PS - please don't cancel my DIN plug order :D


Seriously you need to slow down with your analogies and metaphors. I respect the type of diving you do because I have dove with you and I have seen your equipment.

You are still learning and if memory serves me, from your profile you have not taken your advanced training or are you a master diver.

Does that mean you are any less than the divers that have those certs? No, and anyone else would probably agree with me. Or maybe you have not updated your profile, I don't know.

You need to be careful when you jump into threads and disclose that because this is a DIR forum he/she should not ask those questions. (You were very quick to analyze my deep dive and jump to conclusions before you knew all the information; later I disclosed I was diving 1,000 feet above sea level.) Don't be so quick on the trigger....

Forums are created for people to learn and yes I have learned that I shouldn't post on this forum late at night before I think things out.

But you know what Ken, I'm having fun asking questions and I'm learning. Try not to take everything I say so cynical because up until now I've kept quiet about your smart enticing remarks.

But hey, lets just relax and remember that this DIR forum is not all Doctors please report to laboratory #1 please bring scientific data and no odd ball questions.

I respect all the answers I got from all members on my thread including yours, please remember I started it and I made mistakes, lets move forward.

Compudude thanks for backing me up on my purchase and you know what, I will enjoy the Galileo Sol and yes I have tried other computers and this one is nicer than the others.

Anyway, I'm sorry if I came of abrasive, just getting off work, and dealing with 46 college students in psychology today might of thrown me a curve ball today....

Keep diving and be safe!!!! :D


Ken I thanked you on my other forum regarding the Halcyon p-valve. You saved me a lot of money on the installation, they only want $25 bucks and they will throw a warranty on the work. I was going to pay $95 dollars plus $15 to ship to DUI and wouldn't have gotten it back for weeks. AWS was really friendly and said bring it in and they will do the work before they go to DEMA next Wednesday. I'll be seeing them tomorrow after work...

Seriously you need to slow down with your analogies and metaphors. I respect the type of diving you do because I have dove with you and I have seen your equipment.

You are still learning and if memory serves me, from your profile you have not taken your advanced training or are you a master diver.

Wow Mike, that was a bit out in left field, you ok there? I've been on your side here, and have spent my time trying to explain to you how things may be misinterpreted here, sorry if you don't see it that way. Again, if you're asking DIR questions in a DIR forum, you're going to get DIR answers, regardless of whether they come from a "master diver" or not. Everything I've suggested is from what I've learned myself, and I haven't once pretended to be anything I'm not. If anything I've said is wrong, I welcome a correction, for everyone's benefit.

Take it easy man.
Ken's reply seemed perfectly reasonable to me. Contesting the validity of his reply based on the number of his dives or his certs seems like a weak argument. If you think his position lacks merit then challenge his position, not his c-card.

Incidentally, not everyone bothers to keep accurate counts on the number of dives they have done. I suspect only a fraction of the people who do bother to keep their diver profiles in scubaboard up to date. You know, priorities....
I agree the Galileo Terra is probably a better, less expensive option if heartbeat monitors and wireless AI holds no allure, but again, we're getting back to monetary decisions and moving AWAY from whether or not the computer is compatible with a DIR gear configuration... because it is.

I have never had a lengthy discussion with a current GUE instructor regarding wireless air integration. However, a former instructor was adamant about getting her students to do away with them.

The wireless transmitter that attaches the first stage is an unnecessary potential failure point and is an additional and unnecessary entanglement point. I am by no means the authority on what is and what isn't DIR but I will say that I know not one person in the Mocal DIR community that dives with a wireless air integrated computer.

Oh, and if that heartbeat monitor is an appealing feature, then I hope he brings his bifocals with him. The readouts on the secondary metrics on that computer are absolutely tiny.
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Wow Mike, that was a bit out in left field, you ok there? I've been on your side here, and have spent my time trying to explain to you how things may be misinterpreted here, sorry if you don't see it that way. Again, if you're asking DIR questions in a DIR forum, you're going to get DIR answers, regardless of whether they come from a "master diver" or not. Everything I've suggested is from what I've learned myself, and I haven't once pretended to be anything I'm not. If anything I've said is wrong, I welcome a correction, for everyone's benefit.

Take it easy man.

Hey Ken,

Please don't get me wrong, I have listened to every post you have given for me. In fact I have gone through your profile and looked up the majority of your posts because I respect your diving.

Granted I have only dove with you on two dives, you and Brandon are one of the reasons I decided to sell my scuba equipment and look into backplate with wings.

I ended up with both a 6 ft hose for open water diving and also purchased the 7 foot if I ever penetrate wrecks or do cave diving, you were instrumental in those findings.

I also was intriqued by your setup and was grateful when you explained the two reg setups for doubles and how I could mix and match my dive gear.

I also studied your Diving Concepts drysuit and how your organized everything on your setup; you are in fact the profile of diver that I want to become, streamline and cost effective.

Okay so I went overboard with my computer we can blame Brandon for that :), I fell for his computer when I saw the digits on the screen. Remember, I was the one who said, "Hey Brandon does your Galileo also align satellite dishes"?

Not to draw this out any more than I have; I do apologize if I came out with defense words, yes I did. I misred your post since interpretations are hard on the net, please understand that I'm being sincere.

Like I mentioned earlier the fact you have dove many logged dives without other certs makes you stand out with experience, practicum.

I dove roughly 44 dives before I ever completed my AOW. A am not a better diver now then before, the AOW did nothing for me other than stress me out. I think todays divers are rushing through their certs.

Experience comes in diving and at your leisure when time permits, I made a mistake of rushing my dives and learned very little, it's amazing what dive shops put your through to get paid!

Anyway, I hope you take my response of sincerity and I hope to dive with you and Robin and Brandon again.

I'm trying to get Dry Suit certified so I can feel comfortable in the water and not slow anyone down....

Don't be surprised if you see me dive 72 doubles, I dig your tanks, can't tell you how many times I've examined the pics I took of you underwater checking out your configuration....

Very nice gear you have,,,,, peace....

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Comming from the amount of dives you have logged I'm not going to ask you to explain DIR to me but could you give me a generic link to DIR so I could better understand it? :confused:

I guess the number of dives is your criteria?

I personally use content as my criteria myself.
Compudude thanks for backing me up on my purchase ...
Boy have I been there. Ask what people think about me buying something that I've already made up my mind on, then get insulted/offended by those who disagree and try to help me as I continue to argue for my purchase.

If you want to see where I've done that, check out my prior sales on eBay. :D
that money could be spent on better regulators, better lights, or more training.

How awesome of regs do you really need? I have a couple Sherwood first stages I bought used for $50 each, and I can't tell the difference between them and a Mk17.

The flow rates on a Mk25 are even more overkill, yet they are still popular in the DIR community.

Sorry for the definitely OT post.

The way I see it, if it makes ya happy and you're using it in the proper context, there's nothing non-DIR about it.

The key thing isn't what computer you use, it's not relying on your computer to dictate how you do the dive. It might be an unnecessary purchase ... but if you have the coin, and it's not preventing you from acquiring any other necessary gear, then why not?

I'd be willing to bet that just about everyone participating in this thread has some expensive toy that they love to dive with that isn't really necessary for the dives they're doing. It's a matter of what makes ya happy ... we dive to make ourselves happy, after all.

My primary dive computer is an Aladdin Tec2G. I dive it in gauge mode, but I got it because I like the seconds display and the resettable timer function for managing deco stops. Do I need those features? No ... not really ... I can do a perfectly good deco schedule without them. They're convenient, though ... and they make me happy.

My backup computer is a Liquidvision X1 ... which is a bit more expensive than the one being argued about here. Why do I use a $1700 dive computer for a backup timer? Because I like the display ... it makes me happy ... and I can afford it.

It may, in fact, be a complete waste of money ... but there's nothing inherently wrong with using a fancy computer for DIR diving ... as long as you don't rely on the computer to dictate how you conduct your dive.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

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