All I'm trying to say, I hear dive shops cry that they don't make any money with VIP or fills. Time and time again, I keep hearing it. Given proper planing, good management, and the correct skills these items should be positive income. Not "the cost of doing business" line I hear all to often.
If those LED lights are not lasting that long they maybe over driving them. Which is why they maybe so bright. This in turn will greatly reduce the life of the LEDs and is bad design practice. Miss sizing the power supply would cause premature failure as well. For the price they charge I would send the dam thing back if it burned out.
If those LED lights are not lasting that long they maybe over driving them. Which is why they maybe so bright. This in turn will greatly reduce the life of the LEDs and is bad design practice. Miss sizing the power supply would cause premature failure as well. For the price they charge I would send the dam thing back if it burned out.