Victoria Vis conditions?

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Hey Dave,

I dove Willis point this afternoon. Vis was about 30 feet. I saw a prawn jump into the mouth of a sculpin who throughly enjoyed his lunch.

Take care,

At a place in Saanich Inlet across from Christmas Point and a bit more South, Vis was 20 feet in the shallows and about 50' below about 30 feet deep. A bit farther North (sort of across from the popular Christmas Point site), vis was about 10 feet down to 50 feet deep and then it was about 30'. I went up even farther North near Elbow Point and the water was full of stringy white bits. I could only see down about 5 feet from the surface. So it seems that there's a front of plankton moving down Finlayson Arm. Visibility seemed to get better the farther South I went. Near the Goldstream Boathouse, it seemed like I could see down forever. There were hundreds of large lion's mane jellyfish drifting down in the depths.
Visibility seemed to get better the farther South I went. Near the Goldstream Boathouse, it seemed like I could see down forever.

We had the same experience this past Sunday, our first dive was at Senanus Island the viz there was around 10ft for the first 70ft or so. Under it was maybe 25ft but a very dark 25ft. On the 2nd dive we decided to move to Xmas PT from my experience the viz is always better closer to the Goldstream BH. There we got over 50ft and a good 25ft in the shallow.

It looks like the run of good visibility in Saanich Inlet is over. I went to a spot between Christmas Point and Misery Bay today and visibility was about 6'. It started to clear at about 50 feet deep, but not much. I went down to about 130', but vis was still only around 15 feet with lots of chunks floating around.
Hey mark, nice meeting you at the goldstream ramp on Sunday. We dove Repulse Rock and the vis cleared up nicely at depth (100' to 120'), but it was pretty bad in the shallows.

Sounds like the vis is better in JDF right now, but I guess you have to watch the currents carefully. Did you just beach the inflatable and dive from shore?
Hey mark, nice meeting you at the goldstream ramp on Sunday. We dove Repulse Rock and the vis cleared up nicely at depth (100' to 120'), but it was pretty bad in the shallows.

Sounds like the vis is better in JDF right now, but I guess you have to watch the currents carefully. Did you just beach the inflatable and dive from shore?

-Glad things eventually cleared for you in the Inlet. It was a nasty suprise for me that day after 2 weeks of great visibility there. And, yeah the Strait of Juan de Fuca was really nice. I missed that good shallow-water visibility and lots of life. I'll post the photos/reports in a minute.

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