...Teaching vets in bp/w set-ups makes sense, especially since that is your specialty, and vets do tend to be more technical equipment oriented people than your typical vacation diver type of student might be.
Well, I am not sure about it being my "specialty" but those that know me, know I prefer the BP/W. I was a newbie diver when I tried my first loaner homemade plate and Oxycheq 18lb wing, so it is not actually a "technical" divers preference

Our confined training is still done in the jacket style BC's for 2 reasons - first, worldwide, jackets are the main BC available for rental and second, we want them to feel the difference between the 2

As for the vets, I do hope to build a community of local divers who come out regularly to Dutch. I know that's how I developed my skills and met awesome buddies, which resulted in enjoying my dive vacations more.
Speaking of which, I hope your having an awesome time in Bonaire!