What sort of gear, brands can you handle, and/or would you like?
What can we, other divers do to help you? You mentioned letting vets in the region know of your offer, and I know you have been funding Liquid Therapy out of your own pocket, at least so far.
Is there a way to donate extra gear or $$, to help your project to reach more vets?
Gear donations can be tricky and I have a couple of thoughts on that. First, my sponsor shop,
www.diveseekers.com must be able to service it and while they carry a ton of lines, they don't do all of them. Then I have to pay for parts and labor to ensure the gear is safe to dive. Second, as many know, I am a believer of the BP&W system, so all my students train in that configuration. Third, I do not own a facility, so storage is an issue now. Diveseekers currently provides the confined water pool time, classroom time, tanks, BC's, regs, weights and air at
no charge. We provide fins, masks, snorkels & boots and I am slowly gathering that inventory in a variety of sizes.
The best way to help is to get the word out and to donate through paypal on my website or mail a check. We received our 501(3)c approval from the IRS earlier this year, so donations are tax deductible. I have had a ton of start up costs and you are correct, those have been personally funded. In addition to the start up business costs such as registration fees, legal stuff, insurance, website, etc there are gear costs and elearning/training materials/certification costs per diver. There are absolutely no labor costs, I am a volunteer and anyone who works for us will be also.
Another way to help is to support my sponsor dive shop. This may be crossing the line in the thread a bit, but without their support in a bjillion ways, I would not have made it this far without them. If you have a choice of where to buy gear either locally or online, I recommend supporting a shop that supports our veterans. When they do well, they are able to support me, it's a simple as that.