Veo 200 problem...EEP?

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Reaction score
Fort Lauderdale
# of dives
500 - 999
I have a Veo 200 aprox 2 years old, with about 200 dives. I had not used it in 5 months and when I took it out and turned it on it went through the count down and then came up "EEP" and shuts off. The battery indicator shows a good battery. Anyone ever see this or know what it means. I can't find anything in the manual about this message.
Just in case this happens to anyone else. I spoke with tech support and this is some sort of progammig mode from the factory and has to be sent back to them to reset it. I will say they were courteous and knowledgeable, a pleasure to deal with. So unfortunately the puter is in the mail to get fixed.
Have you tried whipping out the battery and leaving it out for say 24hrs? It might reset itself?
I personally think that since it hasn't seen you for 5 months, it didn't recognize you and you scared it and it fainted. :)
LOL that may be true. And for both of our sakes I have vowed to never let that kind of separation happen again:shakehead .
Just in case this happens to anyone else. I spoke with tech support and this is some sort of progammig mode from the factory and has to be sent back to them to reset it. I will say they were courteous and knowledgeable, a pleasure to deal with. So unfortunately the puter is in the mail to get fixed.

I wanted to throw a quick thank you your way for this information. I make all these notes in my service manuals to help troubleshoot for our customers. I figure that if I can help out with the little stuff, they can work on the big stuff like an earlier ship date on the datamask. I do agree that they are a pleasure to deal with.....which is a breath of fresh air these days.
I don't often compliment companies, but I want to express just how pleased I was with Oceanic's service. I sent my Veo 200 back to them. When I had spoke to the tech on the phone I explained that the warranty had expired and he assured me that they would be able to swap it out with essentially a rebuilt Veo 200 for no cost. And that is exactly what they did. So, I once again have a working computer at no cost to me and the whole process took less than 2 weeks. It may not seem like a big thing, but to me it is enough to encourage me to buy Oceanic again when the time comes. Thanks Oceanic :)
Yet another story about Oceanic's great service! I'm glad to hear they cleared it up so quickly.

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