Venice Beach July 5th

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Reaction score
North Port, FL
# of dives
25 - 49
Hello everyone,

I'm new to these forums but not new to diving. However I haven't been under the water in about 2 yrs. I'm hitting Venice Beach July 5th since I will most likely be diving solo. I grew up in Venice and use to free dive the small reefs before getting certified VB is the only place I feel safe solo diving. If anyone feels like getting wet company is welcome. If you get there before I get my suit on I'll be easy to spot just look for the fat guy in the speedo trying to put on a wetsuit in the north parking lot. LOL

Herb aka NorthPortDiver
Herb, if you want buddies, you'll have to do two things. 1. Let folks know where you'll be diving (Alhambra, Sharky's, Caspersen, etc.) and 2. Wear something less revealing than the Speedo.
Well the man-made reef at Sharky's is a pain to swim to I've done it a couple of times but now that I've got my lil boat it wouldn't be bad. I don't know where the Alhambra spot is had never heard of it until I found this site. After reading Reefguys thread it sounds fairly easy to find. However since this is my first dive in 2 yrs I'll be going straight off Venice Beach just to the north or the lifeguard station. I've never had any luck finding anything on the southern end of VB. As for the speedo well I wear it under the wetsuit so I can change easily. Trust me I don't want to see me in a speedo any longer than I have to. LOL
However since this is my first dive in 2 yrs I'll be going straight off Venice Beach just to the north or the lifeguard station.

Enjoy your dives. I don't know many folks on SB who are willing to dive there. I stopped diving there about 10 or 11 years ago when I discovered more productive sites.
Check the weather reports before heading out.
I'm really hoping for some good weather going into the weekend but I know it's probably going to be pretty lousy. I think it's rained hard the last 4 years or so on the 4th. Which is going to make viz somewhere around 0. Yup just checked the extended forecast and they're calling for afternoon T-storms throughout the week and through the weekend. Keeping my fingers crossed that the storms don't churn up the gulf to much and that the storms hold off til late on Sunday.

I may take Walters advice and hit Alhambra. I'm also trying to convince my nephew to hit the water with me. If I can get him to go then I may take the boat and hit the BoneYard assuming the weather is on my side.
Wish you the best of luck and we will keep our fingers crossed that you have some great vis. Just keep checking the weather reports. SEA YA
Wish you the best of luck and we will keep our fingers crossed that you have some great vis. Just keep checking the weather reports. SEA YA

Well I met Capt. Jamie at DepthFinders today and he told me the viz was going to be good this weekend. I'll find out Sunday if he is right if he is I'm going to ask him to pick me some lottery numbers when I see him on Monday.

Of course I didn't know I was talking to Jamie until I got halfway home. Don't ask it's a short story but I end up looking like a :dork2:. LOL Anyhow I'm hitting Alhambra Sunday and then Monday I'm going out to the BoneYard on the Aristakat. I'm hoping for the best viz possible but I don't mind 1 - 2ft.
NP Im always on the hunt for a dive buddy. Im hoping to be chumming errr churning up the boneyard waters on Thurs with the Kat boat. But I usually like to hit Alhambra on my off days. I live in Punta Gorda so I pass by you anyways. Probably next weekend when I am off I ll be hitting the beach at Alhalas on Sat am. If I go you are more then welcome to join me and my daughter. But be prepared to be tackled if she sees the big toof before you. She almost drowned me the last time we found a big one.
oh yeah ref the speedo. I think the fish posted some signs last month about that. Same ones that tell me not to wear bikinis. Its a fish law.

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