Venice Beach 6/12

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Tell us how it was.....I went to the Ocean Watch Clean-up in Pompano Beach and had a blast with a lot of old and new SB friends.

I had to take care of a problem up here this morning, & I didn't get done till 11:30. Consequently we didn't get there until 3:30. In the water by 3:50, but the sky was looking kind of black to the east. We surfaced every 5 minutes or so to keep an eye on the weather, and after 25 minutes things were looking hairy enough that we called the dive.

Vis was around 5', but water temp was definitely up, my guess was the mid 80's. My worn out 2.5 mil shorty was plenty.

I found around 6 or 8 small teeth, while my buddy played with the fishies.
Got there @ 12 and was by myself. But I did get 1 Meglodon tooth and @ 30+ other teeth after a 2 1/2 hr dive. Seas were flat, vis was 5-10', and the temp was 86. All in all, a very productive day.
Sounds like an average day for VB with the 5-10' viz but, Now you know why we get in the water early. You can almost set your watch to the afternoon rainstorms that move in around 4pm.

Yup, saw those clouds heading in yesterday and was hoping you were already out of the water. :(
Yeah, when we went in we thought that our dive might get cut short by the weather, but we had made a 3 hour drive, so the 22 minute dive we did get to make was better than no dive.
But he has such an electric personality, why not stay through the storms??? Any thoughts on going in two weekends (6/26) for more teeth??? Glad it is getting warmer, better than 59F around xmas time, brrrr.
Yup, 60 degrees is cold, not my idea of fL diving.

BTW, 6/19 is next weekend, the day of the infamous Andy's Barfing trip.

The weekend after, 6/26-6/27, I should probably reserve for family time, as you folks here on SB have been getting me in entirely too much trouble with all of the enticing me off for diving adventures lately.

However, see my new thread for the July 4th weekend.

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