Question Vaccines for Indonesia

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Besides bringing Pepto and plenty of Deet (at least a 40%)....bring an Antibiotic like amoxicillin...this comes from someone who has been in Raja Ampat all over Sulawesi at least 21 times and Bali at least 12 times....those Malaria Meds....I tried those in the early 2000's got very sick with those....Enjoy the diving it is Great!!
I take the stay at home vaccine, only one dose, read threads like this if I ever get the travel itch, works every time
I go every year (21st this year)....Just got my Covid Booster and flu shot (think that is more for here than there)....otherwise...Put Deet on in the AM and early PM...and enjoy the Diving!!!...take some Pepto with ya...

Please don’t take DEET into a marine environment.

DEET doesn’t just kill mosquitoes. DEET kills all small living things it comes into contact with on land and in marine environments and, because it accumulates in body tissues, eventually, kills the top of the food chain.

DEET is no longer used as an agricultural spray insecticide for this reason.

Man’s war against nature.
Please don’t take DEET into a marine environment.

DEET doesn’t just kill mosquitoes. DEET kills all small living things it comes into contact with on land and in marine environments and, because it accumulates in body tissues, eventually, kills the top of the food chain.

DEET is no longer used as an agricultural spray insecticide for this reason.

Man’s war against nature.
And in a concentration high enough to significantly repel mosquitoes it will dissolve plastic and maybe rubber. I lost a watch band to it and haven't used it since. I don't want DEET anywhere near my dive gear.
Yes, I don't use DEET anymore. Picaridin is just as effective and less toxic. (If you must use DEET, 30% concentration is enough; studies have shown it's basically as effective as 100%).
....those Malaria Meds....I tried those in the early 2000's got very sick with those...
There are several different types of malaria prophylactics; all with different effects. Having problems with one is no reason to avoid others.
Hi. Which of the following vaccines do most of you get before going to Indonesia ? I have not been there before (the CDC recommends all of these). Polio booster, Chikungunya vaccine, Typhoid vaccine, Hepatitis A , Hepatitis B, and take Malaria medicine. Thanks in advance.
Not quite vaccines, but you should consider taking something for:
Food Poisoning
Imodium (OTC)​
anti-bacterial (Z-Pak, bugs in SE Asia have general resistance to Ciprofloxacin)​

If you're prone to getting abrasions from the reef/rocks:
Keflex (cephalexin)​
And a general-purpose antibiotic ointment
Please let us know how easily you find it tracking down sources for these. The Hepatitis vaccines should be easy; I'm curious about the Chikungunya and typhoid vaccine availability.
Some local CVS and Walgreens list typhoid as an option. Locally, Passport Health, a travel health resource, also lists it as available.

The Chikugunya is a newly approved live attenuated virus and it is my understanding that it is only recommended for high risk individuals. It is not covered by insurance and last cost I saw was 350 dollars.
Not quite vaccines, but you should consider taking something for:
Food Poisoning
Imodium (OTC)​
anti-bacterial (Z-Pak, bugs in SE Asia have general resistance to Ciprofloxacin)​

If you're prone to getting abrasions from the reef/rocks:
Keflex (cephalexin)​
And a general-purpose antibiotic ointment
I would add Pepto Bismol to the GI list for both treatment and prevention.

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