Uwatec Smart Pro

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1000 Island Parkway, Ontario, Canada
# of dives
I'm considering getting the Uwatec Smart Pro and am wondering if anyone has comments on this computer.

Uwatec states:

" The Smart PRO is a decompression diving computer that allows divers to plan and conduct decompression dives whether they are breathing Air or Nitrox.

Now, for the dive professional the Smart PRO has an additional feature: microbubble suppression. With this feature divers are now able to select any one of 5 different levels of suppression, to minimise microbubble formation that can occur from repetitive diving or that may result from having a Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO). This reduces the long term soft tissue damage that can occur from constant exposure to microbubbles.

The Smart PRO also includes the Bühlman ZH L8 ADT MB (adaptive) algorithm which considers actual diver behaviour.

The effects of diving in cold water, decompression and ascent rate violations are all considered and if required the computer may recommend a revised decompression schedule. For example, missing a decompression stop prior to terminating the dive may result in a diver being asked to complete a new decompression stop at a greater depth.

When the dive is completed, the Smart PRO's infra red technology can transmit dive profile information to a personal computer. This allows further analysis of the dive information with Uwatec SmartTrak software. "

(I read the thread with the Cobra - Smart Com discussion.) Any comments or recommendations - I don't plan on doing any decompression diving, but cold water is a factor where I am.

Is having to get the LDS to change the battery a big deal? The battery guage should give lots of warning to get it changed during the winter.

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