UTD Ratio deco discussion

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Sorry again for stepping away from the thread, I was out diving for the past 4 days.

There's never been science that "bunked" the oxygen window in the first place.
Of course, I never said there was. What I did say was that it was never "debunked." If it was never "bunked," then there could never be any science that "debunked" it right? Therefore, saying it's been "debunked" simply isn't true.

Isn't even UTD stepping back from it in UTD-RD 2.0 ?
No, it still exists in UTD RD 2.0.

UTD RD 2.0 -if I understand @mikeny9 correctly- now does the S-curve something like: 3,3,4,4,6. (More weighted toward the 9m stop)
This is incorrect. For a 15 minute spread between 70' and 30', the old RD would use 4, 4, 2, 2, 3. The new UTD Rd 2.0 it would now be 3, 3, 2, 2, 5.

GUE still does (?) the straight linear progression: 4,4,4,4,4.
This is true from my understanding among GUE friends.

So there's no S curve (you know it's an S because the shape looks like an S, right? because "more time spent at the optimal oxygen window", so you spend a lot of time on the high pO2 that follows a gas switch) anymore. Why do you then pop out the article on which it's built?
There is still an S-curve, as I mentioned above. The difference in the RD 2.0 is in the extra time stolen from the middle of the "S." Previously, it was distributed between the 70' and 60' stop, and now it is all added to the shallower 30' stop.

The obvious point being that in setting out to protect neurological tissues by emphasising deep stops, you may paradoxically be creating a higher risk of neurological injury by causing greater venous bubble formation in slower tissues.
Paradoxically creating higher risk of neurological injury only in the situations where a PFO or pulmonary shunt exists? If one has been tested for those, with negative results, wouldn't the statistical chance of a type II hit caused by bubble formations in slow tissues be statistically reduced?

Second, I would respectfully like to point out that you are holding onto this notion in the absence of any evidence that it is valid, and in the face of a growing body of evidence (which admittedly involves fitting an evidence jigsaw puzzle together because no one study is definitive) that suggests it is probably wrong.
Is there any research which suggests that type II hits come from slow tissues, other than when in the presence of pulmonary shunts and PFOs?

But in doing it you will never be able to escape the question of whether your safety could have been even better if you did the same length of decompression, but with less deep stops and more shallow high PO2 stops. The currently available data is suggesting that this would be the case, and it does not support the idea that the deeper stops in the range prescribed by bubble models or RD are helping you.
I believe any issues with fast tissues might lead to a more serious type II hit. The problem I have with the study, respectfully, is the conditions and healthy subjects participating in the test were probably not as at risk to this type of DCS than a typical, not as healthy, recreational decompression diver. Put another way, the typical recreational decompression diver could be more at risk to a type II hit, decompression schedules aside, than a Navy diver. I'd rather err on the side of protecting fast tissues, knowingly accepting the risk of saturating the slow tissues, and attempt to clean up the slow tissues with more decompression time and/or oxygen-based decompression.

I think you are clearly wrong on this point. The final conclusions are indeed worded appropriately cautiously. But the discussion makes it crystal clear that the authors consider the poor outcomes in the deep stops dives are a consequence of bubble formation in slow compartments, which occurs because of an apparently unnecessary emphasis on protecting fast tissues with deep stops. This is backed up with illustrative analyses of supersaturations in typical fast and slow tissues. One example of relevant text reads:

The present results indicate that this reduction of initial gas supersaturations in fast compartments (produced by deep stops) does not manifest in reduced DCS incidence. On the contrary, DCS incidence was higher after the tested deep stops schedule than after the shallow stops schedule, an indication that the large ascent to the first stop in classical schedules is not a flaw that warrants “repair” by deeper initial stops. Figure 5C illustrates that deep stops result in greater and more persistent gas supersaturation in relatively slow compartments on subsequent ascent than during the comparable period in the shallow stops schedule. This results from continued uptake of inert gas into these slow
compartments during the deep stops. Gas supersaturations in slower gas exchange compartments late in the decompression are in accord with the present results from the tested dive profiles. The observed higher VGE scores and DCS incidence following the deep stops schedule than following the shallow stops schedule must be a manifestation
of bubble formation in slower compartments.
Respectfully, I don't agree the discussion makes it "crystal clear." The discussion you pointed out refers to the higher VGE scores in the deep stops arm due to the supersaturation of the slow tissues in the deep stops. However, no where does it discuss the importance of fast compartments as they compare to slow compartments. The authors did not conclude that protecting slow tissues was equally or more important than protecting fast tissues, otherwise wouldn't a similar statement be found inside the conclusion? They concluded only that protecting fast tissues was "unwarranted." Might I point out, the conclusion is in the scope and conditions the test was performed, e.g. the types of subjects, the depths, times, and types of gases inspired, all of which are not very standard to the typical recreational decompression diver. If anything, this conclusion should lead to further hypotheses and subsequently more scientific tests.
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Sorry again for stepping away from the thread, I was out diving for the past 4 days. . .

Paradoxically creating higher risk of neurological injury only in the situations where a PFO or pulmonary shunt exists? If one has been tested for those, with negative results, wouldn't the statistical chance of a type II hit caused by bubble formations in slow tissues be statistically reduced?

Is there any research which suggests that type II hits come from slow tissues, other than when in the presence of pulmonary shunts and PFOs?

I believe any issues with fast tissues might lead to a more serious type II hit. The problem I have with the study, respectfully, is the conditions and healthy subjects participating in the test were probably not as at risk to this type of DCS than a typical, not as healthy, recreational decompression diver. Put another way, the typical recreational decompression diver could be more at risk to a type II hit, decompression schedules aside, than a Navy diver. I'd rather err on the side of protecting fast tissues, knowingly accepting the risk of saturating the slow tissues, and attempt to clean up the slow tissues with more decompression time and/or oxygen-based decompression.

Respectfully, I don't agree the discussion makes it "crystal clear." The discussion you pointed out refers to the higher VGE scores in the deep stops arm due to the supersaturation of the slow tissues in the deep stops. However, no where does it discuss the importance of fast compartments as they compare to slow compartments. The authors did not conclude that protecting slow tissues was equally or more important than protecting fast tissues, otherwise wouldn't a similar statement be found inside the conclusion? They concluded only that protecting fast tissues was "unwarranted." Might I point out, the conclusion is in the scope and conditions the test was performed, e.g. the types of subjects, the depths, times, and types of gases inspired, all of which are not very standard to the typical recreational decompression diver. If anything, this conclusion should lead to further hypotheses and subsequently more scientific tests. . .
Reposting the dialog below for reference:
@Dr Simon Mitchell said:
...I am saying (based largely on the results of the NEDU study) that transient high / peak supersaturation in fast tissues does not seem to matter as much as we thought it might, and therefore that protecting fast tissues from supersaturation early in the ascent by using deep stops does not seem as effective as assumed by bubble models. This is especially so when it comes at the cost of increased supersaturation (both in terms of peak levels and duration) in slower tissues later in the ascent. The NEDU study is telling us that this is where the problems seem to come from.

@Kevrumbo asks:
. . .Explain from a physiological basis why allowing supersaturation of Fast Tissues in this instance is less risky to those tissues and results in a lower overall incidence of DCS in the shallow stops trials of the NEDU Study. . . ?

Hello Kev,

The bubble models and the deep stop approach were originally promoted on the basis that they were more successful at controlling bubble formation. The attempts to evaluate this notion in decompression dives in humans that I am aware of have shown that gas content models (or decompression procedures that have backed off deep stops to some extent) actually produce less bubbles when measured after surfacing. Neal Pollock presented some fascinating work they have been doing at the inner space event at a NOAA / AAUS rebreather diving forum I attended last week. Hopefully this will find its way into the literature at some point soon. In any event, the more we investigate it, the more the "control bubbles by deep stopping" concept appears to need reconsideration. What this is suggesting is that the bubbles are coming from the slower tissues that absorb more inert gas during the deep stops. It also implies that the faster tissues that deep stops attempt to protect from supersaturation are less prone to bubble formation when they become supersaturated. You are seeking a physiological explanation for this, and while I can't be definitive, I would suggest that it makes sense that a tissue washing inert gas out quickly might be less prone to bubble formation and growth than a tissue with slower inert gas kinetics where the supersaturation persists for longer (there's that time integral again).

Simon M

Deep Stops Increases DCS
Hello Mikeny9

Paradoxically creating higher risk of neurological injury only in the situations where a PFO or pulmonary shunt exists?

Yes, but what is your point. Most people in the broad diving population (including me) don't know whether they have a PFO or not.

If one has been tested for those, with negative results, wouldn't the statistical chance of a type II hit caused by bubble formations in slow tissues be statistically reduced?

You can exclude a PFO but it is not easy to exclude a pulmonary shunt. So testing does not help here unfortunately. You cannot entirely mitigate the risk of forming more venous gas emboli in slow tissues by PFO testing.

Is there any research which suggests that type II hits come from slow tissues, other than when in the presence of pulmonary shunts and PFOs?

Unless you are going to screen everyone for a PFO, and exclude everyone with a PFO (or repair it) (and these things are never going to happen) then this question is completely irrelevant.... at least in part because you can never exclude the possibility of pulmonary shunts. Potential right to left (venous to arterial) shunts for VGE are part of the human condition, which is why we want to avoid the adoption of decompression practices that form many VGE.

I believe any issues with fast tissues might lead to a more serious type II hit. The problem I have with the study, respectfully, is the conditions and healthy subjects participating in the test were probably not as at risk to this type of DCS than a typical, not as healthy, recreational decompression diver. Put another way, the typical recreational decompression diver could be more at risk to a type II hit, decompression schedules aside, than a Navy diver.

I have mentioned previously that they had neurological DCS cases in both arms of the study, and the subjects were equivalent in both arms of the study. You are drawing a very long and speculative bow to suggest that resistance of navy divers to neurological DCS resulted in an underestimation of the incidence of neurological DCS in the shallow stops arm.

Respectfully, I don't agree the discussion makes it "crystal clear." The authors did not conclude that protecting slow tissues was equally or more important than protecting fast tissues, otherwise wouldn't a similar statement be found inside the conclusion?

You are being slightly disingenuous in effectively demanding a statement along the lines of "slow tissues are more important than fast tissues". The authors' perspective is blindingly obvious in their presentation of the most plausible explanation of their results and yes, they do make it "crystal clear" that they believe protecting the slow tissues was the explanation for the better outcomes in the shallow stops profile despite greater supersaturation in fast tissues. I can't imagine how much clearer it needs to be. At the end of the day, the failure of the US Navy to adopt bubble model dive planning (which was the entire point of the trial) makes it obvious what they think. Here is some more commentary from David Doolette (the study's lead author) on RBW that speaks to the same point:

So why did the deep stops schedule result in more DCS? We looked at the supersaturation predicted in a range of half-time compartments. In fast compartments, the deep stops schedule resulted in less, and less prolonged supersaturation than the shallow stops schedule. However, iIn slow compartments, gas washed out slowly or continued to be taken up during deep stops, so that later in decompression, the deep stop schedule resulted in more, and more prolonged, supersaturation than the shallow stops schedule. The increase in supersaturation in the slow compartments was greater than the decrease in fast compartment. There is a principal, Occam’s Razor, that roughly means “the simplest answer is the preferred one”. The simplest answer here is that the greater supersaturation (and by extension greater bubble formation and growth) is responsible for the greater incidence of DCS on the deep stop schedule. In other words, the cost of doing the deep stops outweighed any benefit.

I'd rather err on the side of protecting fast tissues, knowingly accepting the risk of saturating the slow tissues, and attempt to clean up the slow tissues with more decompression time and/or oxygen-based decompression

Obviously your prerogative. But once again, I would point out the giant elephant in the room: you are doing this without a shred of evidence that deep stops of the magnitude prescribed by bubble models or RD are helpful, and in the face of a growing body of evidence that they may be harmful.

Simon M
So why did the deep stops schedule result in more DCS?

Simon M

Depth over time comes to mind. The higher the values, the greater the DCS risk. Is this not true?

Question if I may. What is the avg depth across both tested profiles (deep stop vs shallow)?
Depth over time comes to mind. The higher the values, the greater the DCS risk. Is this not true?

Just to be clear, the quote comes from David Doolette, not me as you have implied.

I don't know what you mean by "depth over time". Can you be more specific?

Question if I may. What is the avg depth across both tested profiles (deep stop vs shallow)?

I don't know. They did not report that.

Simon M
Firstly Doc, I did not imply you said anything.

Secondly you very well understand the relationship between depth and time exposure, this is fundamentally what diving is about and the effort to better understand this with the NEDU study.

Yes you are correct, the study did not report on the avg depth for the 2 profiles and I understand why.

Divers after OW understand how depth and time will impact a dive. Concluding that profile A with avg depth of x meters will have more risk that profile B with avg depth significantly shallower than A is not rocket science IMO.
Concluding that profile A with avg depth of x meters will have more risk that profile B with avg depth significantly shallower than A is not rocket science IMO.

Except that the bubble models claim exactly the opposite - i.e. that their bubble/deep stop profiles are safer despite having a deeper average depth.
Question if I may. What is the avg depth across both tested profiles (deep stop vs shallow)?
It may not have been reported, but that doesn't mean it's a secret, just they didn't do the arithmetic for you. Shallow stops profile had average depth of 39.5fsw (12.0msw) and deep stops profile was 49.5fsw (15.1msw), including ascent and descent times.
Concluding that profile A with avg depth of x meters will have more risk that profile B with avg depth significantly shallower than A is not rocket science IMO.

Well in that case you need to revise your love affair with deep stops, because if you have x amount of decompression time and distribute your stops deeper, it will always result in a greater average depth.

Simon M
Well in that case you need to revise your love affair with deep stops, because if you have x amount of decompression time and distribute your stops deeper, it will always result in a great average depth.
This seems to me to be so obvious that I am really completely baffled that it is an issue that is open for debate. Following a deep stops philosophy without adding an additional significant amount of time on shallow stops will certainly create a deeper average depth, and if you think that is important, then, well, ....

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