We would dive below the same dam in the tailrace for fun, but if you got to close the back flow could get interesting and suck you toward the dam so the general rule was to start at least 100 yards downstream.
Divers would often dive above the dam near the intakes as well and if you got closer than a couple hundred yards or so from the intakes on a high flow day, you could tell as the silt, etc would be moving in the direction of the intakes. Spooky, and more than enough to encourage you to dive somewhere else.
All of my commercial work over the last 20 years has been inland diving. The reality is that the jobs are small and sporadic and often short notice so it is a sideline for just about everyone I know who does it. Most of the work is search and recovery, marina maintence, intake or headgate inspection and repair. Other than low viz/zero viz, potential entanglement hazards, cold water and the occasional ice dive, it is not real challenging diving with (obviously) no deco or diving beyond recreational limits.
I suspect insurance requirements play a more restrictive role than OSHA regs for commercial operators who have divers working for them in an employee relationship. More perceived risk equal higher premiums and if you have to pass the higher insurance cost onto the customer it does not take long for it to be cheaper to just to skip scuba based services.
State and local regs could also come into play, but that is probably only an issue in states where commerical diving is a significant industry with a lobby, vested interests, etc. It is possible that union rules could be a factor in some areas and situations as well.
There is of course also the possibility that commerical operators in a given area may promote the "OSHA forbids scuba" argument to improve the cash flow and create an excuse to bid jobs at a much higher rate. The going rate for one or two scuba divers would be a lot less lucrative on a given job than the rates for a helmet diver and assocaited surface support if you have all the employees sitting around bored anyway.
Also, the economic reality is that the farther inland you get, the less available commercial hard hat diving operations tend to be and the more expensive the travel and shipping arrangements are to get them there. So scuba is a more common option as it is often the only cost effective option for smaller jobs.
But...my thoughts are that I would not be real hot to go dive a shallow 20 ft deep canal or pump station in the everglades on scuba either. The viz no doubt sucks and there be 'gators there. It's probably way overstating the risk, but alligators do seem to try to eat a jogger on rare occassions and I'd prefer to have a tether and com so that the tender can scream with me and maybe try to pull me up if one decides that maybe divers are edible too. I'd much prefer to limit my risk of being eaten while alone and unattended to swarms of killer rock bass and bluegill or maybe an irritable musky.