Hi 8Dust, Yes they can,I have 2 USD inner bladder repair kits #7701-93 and they are ordinary
urethane patch kits.I have the patching instructions which are 8 steps and to long to repeat.
My computer skills keep me from posting them just now,but I'll try to get my wife to help.
Your Ideas will work. I would patch any of the 4 holes you don't intend to use both inside
and outside.Also,leaving the dump fitting intact and expecting it to function may be dangerous
as all 4 fittings crumble to some extent. But I think using another brand power inflator AND
dump would work .But why go through the hassle? Read nemrods comments about this.
My intent is to rebuild as close to period as possible but only if it will be safe.
Sure you can fix and patch existing holes safely, but you will lose those things which are
unique to USD horsecollars. I am not all that familiar with how power inflators and dump
valves attach to bladders,but it shouldn't be hard to solve that. BWI diver has a really great
and simple idea for working inside of a bladder and that is to use the larger of the 4 holes
to insert patches,glue,or whatever. In any case it might still be necessary to cut a 3 or 4"
slit in order to work inside.
How good is the patching material? Well you can find the same thickness material as the
bladder and patch it inside and out. And lastly, Welding. You don't weld the patching
material,you glue it. But it is informative to google "welding plastic" Long story short
you can find a shop which electric welds sheet plastic or you can buy a welding gun
(cheapest I found was $35). You only need to electric weld if you are planning on
making brand new bladders.As for hot air welding, you would only need to use this
type of welding for thicker plastic material. In your case,you probably would only
need to patch holes and install other types of inflators & dump valves.
Please let us know how it goes and feel free to jump in with ideas.