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Arr . . .Like Me told ya before . . .the booty and the cards be mine. Best ye watch out lassy, our you'll be gettin' a mighty storm of skips and draw fours.
Arrr.... where is thy Clay?? He is the master of thy draw four! Arrrrr..... but he's nothing against the power of us Wenches! Arrrrrrr!

The rum and booty (gold... hahaha) shall be mine! I am thy Capt. O' this ship! Arrrrrr!
Arrrrr. . .I'd be wonderin' were the ol' sea dog Clay had gone to as well. Hopefully he not be dwellin' in the belly o' sharks.
Arrrrrr.... I see the lighnin' an' the storms beginnin.... it's rainin' skips an' draw fours! Throw in thy hand, and take cover! Don't forget to grab thy rum though... it must come with us!
Dwellin' in the belly o' shark.... oh, no... I think he be dwellin' in a drunken slumber down undarrrr deck.... he must awaken and stumble to us... or he will be made to scrub thy deck! (LOL!!... get it...deck.... o' cards! LOL)
(Yes I get it . . .groan. . . .did you get my "All hands on deck" one earlier? I was rather proud of that!)
Arrr . . .make em scrub the deck, Cap't. That's what those pirates get fo' drinkin' all the rum and not sharin' with the wenches.
Arrrr..... here ye, here ye... all hands on deck (hahaha... yup... i got it earlier!! LOL)...

All ye pirates, on thy knees an' start scrubbin'.... we wenches must be able to eat off thy deck! scrub, scrub, scrub... oh, it's a pirates life, in the hands of his wench!
Arrrr! Tis a happy day indeed for the wenches!
Arrrrr.... all....

Of to work I must go... tharrrr are souls to save and wounds to bandage. Put thy swords away... I don't want to work my booty off today!

The capt. will return later... till then... Ecky is in charge. Toss any scurvy ladden, patch eyed pirate o'er board if he don't comply with yerrr wishes!

An' Ecky... can you find that Wench.... Trucker Girl??? She seems to be missing 'gain.

Yo, ho, ho... an' a bottle o' rum.

(have fun!!)

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