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Actually... Cafepress has the site so that we can sell at cost, or we can inflate the prices by certain percentages to make a profit. For instance, if $$ became an issue to run our sites, then we could inflate the prices by... say... 10% and ISOSAD would get the profit to help pay operation costs. Make sense? So... essentially the best price we can get is what is already shown, cause there is no markup right now (everything is "at cost"). Good question though!

Glad you like the site!!

And hey.... if you get the boxers, you'll have to model them at the next ISOSAD Challenge!! LOL :wink:
Right now there's no cost associated with the website . . .it's hosted on google pages.
But if we wanted to go to the trouble of getting our own ISOSAD specific url or adding more advanced features than what is available on google pages, then the cost thing would be an issue. I really don't see any need to do any of that, atleast not at this point since it's just for us to amuse ourselves with. . . .

I'm eyeing up the ringer shirt myself at the ISOSAD LDS....I've never gotten any thing from cafepress, but I know a lot of sites out there use them and every one I've talked to his been happy with the results. Now for payday to come so I can get some ISOSAD goodies!
I agree... no need to add any cost to anything... it's just fun for us... and whomever else wants to join us. The Cafepress site is free too. I'm not much for technical stuff... that's why I couldn't even figure out the dpi thing myself! :)

I must admit though... we are very easily amused!! LOL I am gonna get me a shirt though! It's fun!
Trucker Girl..... where art thou???? Ok... so I know you're in Hawaii, and have better things to do... but we miss you (and your humor) here! :wink:

Have fun diving in paradise... and lookout for those Humu Humu (trigger)fish... I hear they can be a bit cantankerous! :D Can't wait to see your trip report, and hear about the pretty fishies!
Actually... Cafepress has the site so that we can sell at cost, or we can inflate the prices by certain percentages to make a profit. For instance, if $$ became an issue to run our sites, then we could inflate the prices by... say... 10% and ISOSAD would get the profit to help pay operation costs. Make sense? So... essentially the best price we can get is what is already shown, cause there is no markup right now (everything is "at cost"). Good question though!

Glad you like the site!!

And hey.... if you get the boxers, you'll have to model them at the next ISOSAD Challenge!! LOL :wink:

Model them? Hell, I'll go diving in them.

With, of course, Becky's approval. :D :wink: :14:
Lol . . .Like I could stop you from doing that if you really wanted to.

Let me just say that light weight white cotton tends to go a little transparent in the water. . . . May not be the best way to make new dive buddies.

Unfortunately, it looks like I'll not get to dive for a while. Got a ear infection after the last dive. Waited a week to go to the doctors. Had the nurse all but call me an idiot for waiting that long. Anyways, not allowed to get my ears wet until they're rechecked in three weeks :(
Lol...yes, dear. No transparent boxers.

Everyone, make sure to send Becky a few get-well thoughts...her ears were really bad this weekend, and I hope she gets better soon.
YAY!!! TG is here!!

Ecky... I certainly hope that your ears feel better soon! See.... here's the "get-well" fairy :fairy: :D

Just remember... it could always be worse. :wink: My parents are on a dive vacation in Roatan, Honduras right now. They are staying in a bungalow right over the ocean... like you have to walk out over the pier before you get to the bungalow... there is coral reef right under their room!! ( But Dad can't dive right now... his sinuses are all messed up! :( They've paid a few thousand for this trip... and Dad's sick. Mom wasn't feeling well either, but she buddied with another couple and is diving right now (I know this cause they've been emailing me.). So... I hope you feel better soon... and please send happy "feel better" thoughts toward my dad too!!
Oh... Joe... no transparency dude! Modeling the boxers would be fine... as long as they're dry (and Eckybay approves)!!!! LOL :wink: Too funny!

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