In the worst case of bends with which I have been personally associated, the chamber doctor was certainly of the opinion that the hit was deserved. The diver did three days of diving that included fairly aggressive deco dives (but within the ascent protocol being used). This was done at about 4,600 feet altitude. On the third day the diver did an aggressive deco dive and then left for home about two hours later, a 6 hour drive that took him (after 3 more hours) to an elevation of about 7,000 feet. In anticipation of that climb, the diver breathed from the unused O2 tanks all the way to the 7,000 elevation as he drove.
The next day the chamber doctor gave him a stern lecture and a copy of Bruce Weinke's book about altitude diving to read during his first Navy 6 treatment the next day.
So let's say it was indeed a deserved hit. I was his buddy that weekend. I did every dive with him, and I drove home with him. The only difference between us was that after we were back in Boulder (about 5,400 feet), my home was at that altitude and he went home to 7,500 feet. He started feeling symptomatic during the night and put himself on O2.
As for me, I have never felt better after a weekend of diving like that.