Undercurrent--"Why Divers Die"

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But that is not an obesity issue. It is because of the other unhealthy aspects of transfats.

The reason I believe it is related, is that they were developed to prolong shelf life of donuts, chips, cookies and "junk food".--- Not a mainstay for healthy people. I would argue that these foods are related to obesity and that no one goes out for a meal of trans-fats. It is only by eating foods that use them for prolonging shelf life that one ingests large amounts of hydrogenated oils.

Eating fresh, whole foods, fruits and vegtables, it is hard to become overweight, it is only when we want to eat
"milk" shakes that contain no milk and processed cheese foods, boxed donuts and foods of this nature...they go hand in hand, IMV.

We can argue that too, if you wish. :blinking: I think you will lose, though.
You cannot divorce the issue of trans fats from obesity and the American diet.
The reason I beleive it is related, is that they were developed to prolong shelf life of donuts, chips, cookies and "junk food".--- Not a mainstay for healthy people. I would argue that these foods are related to obesity and that no one goes out for a meal of trans-fats. It is only by eating foods that use them for prolonging shelf life that one ingestes large amounts of hydrogenated oils.

But that's not why they were banned. They can be legally replaced by stuff that is just as fattening or even more fattening, if possible. They are illegal because of the harm they do to your body in other ways.

They have other qualities besides shelf life that make them attractive. Mostly, they are able to remain solid at normal temperatures. That is how stick margarine stays in stick form.
Let me clarify a point, the information posted earlier said that 55% of divers who died were obese. The rate of obesity in the general population (using the same criteria) is 33%. This would indicate that there are a disproportionate risk of death in obese divers. This could be magnified if we assume that divers have a lower overall rate of obesity than the general public.

Again, if you don't see the fire you should be able to see the smoke.

Another way, if one brand of regulators were found on 55% of dead divers but only 33% used that brand you would think twice about diving with that regulator (I would).
They can be legally replaced by stuff that is just as fattening or even more fattening, if possible
I don't agree, because the food would go rancid and you would not find it as convenient to eat it. If it were this easy, they would not have gone to the trouble to supersaturate lipids with H, in the laboratory, in the first place....

But...minor pont. People that think of all these unhealthful substances in a vacume have a problem getting a handle on how to live a healthy lifestyle, IMV because they don't think comprehensively about diet and exercise. Nor can they relate to how being overweight easily leads to a host of other problems in the water, as suggested by Captain.
And would you guys not argue with Catherine. She seems to be right most of the time.
lol...not true.

But I read about nutrition "for fun".

Trans fats and butter (saturated fat)

both butter and margarine are worth around 35 calories and 4g of fat per teaspoon.

Trans fats will go down in time as a major demon in the modern American diet. We are seeing hypertension in kids now...
True, the problem is when things turn south and heavy exertion leds to being out of breath, then panic sets in and the snowball gets bigger and bigger
Quite so ... which is why it's important to know your limits and dive within them. Which is why when I decided to start diving beyond recreational depths and incurred decompression times, I decided it would be prudent to opt for a higher level of fitness.

I am not by any means trying to understate the need for proper fitness for diving ... I recognize that fact and try to live it ... I am, however, saying that it appears in this article, and in this conversation, to have been overstated.

People who are not in reasonable shape should stick to shallow dives in protected waters to reduce their risks. Very out of shape people ... fat or skinny ... should definitely work on improving their strength and endurance levels if they want to dive at all.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I see a very slippery slope when goverments decide what people should eat. Surely drinking soda or eating candy is bad for people. What if a city council or state senate decides to outlaw those because "they are bad for the people"? Where does it stop? "Trans Fat" is an ugly sounding name and gee, who wouldn't want to get rid of something that sounds so...yucky! But we all have foods we eat that are not ideal for our health and they have pretty names...ice cream, Mars bars, cream pie, etc. Hand over the ugly trans fats, but don't be surprised if someone...who has YOUR best interest in mind...comes and takes away your PEZ.

Granted, I am conservative when it comes to government intrusion on people's private lives and truly believe the founding fathers were clear when they wrote we had the right to "PURSUE" happiness...happiness is not a guaranteed outcome. So when someone in government tries to legislate what is "good" for me or will make me "happier" because of their special wisdom and insight to my needs...I get nervous. I prefer to pursue my happiness my own way....

Besides, it is cheating Darwinism to save people bent on killing themselves.:wink:
I agree. I don't wait for the government's recomendations---they are on average usually about ten years late anyway.

My response was just to contest his claim that "pies will never be regulated"
I wouldn't be working so hard at it. ... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I just got back from the pool, swimming laps with fins. Like you I have a few lbs. I'd like to be rid of. In my case it's a matter of wanting to get rid of them before we move. But anyway I took a look in my bag and here's what I realized I was using:


All old Farallon gear, note the original spring straps.

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