I think you have a point. My breathing defiantly changed when I started to worry about my weight and if I had enough and then I used more air, and I did not want to continued because I was afraid of loosing control. So when I could not use rocks for extra weight I made the up sign.
Ok so what you are saying is you were worried about your weight BEFORE you went low on air... So correct me if in wrong this is the series of events:
⋅ started worrying about weight
⋅ breathing changed
⋅ used more air
⋅ surfaced
In other words you are saying that you were buoyant at depth (before you began to surface), and this is at close to 100ft?
This is even more baffling given the fact that you made dives previously with no issue... If you are that buoyant at depth BEFORE you run low on air after making dives with the same weight... Something beside weight is off...
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